L-shaped kitchen - examples of choosing styles, design options and layout of a corner kitchen (100 photos)

An L-shaped kitchen consists of two rows of cabinets placed at right angles to each other, creating a comfortable space to work in the kitchen. It’s easy to create an ergonomic work triangle here, simplifying food preparation.

The L-shaped kitchen layout is suitable for small kitchens in separate rooms and adjacent living spaces. This arrangement also allows you to conveniently place a table nearby.

L-shaped kitchen design

L-shaped kitchens are installed in separate narrow rooms or in mini-kitchens connected to the living room. In the first case, it is definitely shorter; it is often located near a wall with a window. This arrangement of cabinets forces a person to move in a triangle rather than in a straight line, which makes work easier and the kitchen takes on better proportions.

In the open spaces of living rooms, many try to design the kitchen so that it is visible as little as possible, without dominating the living room, and choose built-in household appliances.

Round tables

If the kitchen is too small to experiment with cabinets, but the design solution requires round objects in the interior, you can opt for a more economical option - choosing a table, round or with rounded corners. Many will call this solution a budget solution, a parody of a round kitchen and nothing more, but in reality it is not so. If the design plan uses such a common solution as a paired kitchen and dining room, then the main piece of furniture will be the table, the choice of which must be treated with special attention.

But, one way or another, the simplest and fastest solution may be an ordinary round or semicircular table. Anyone who has chosen a round table will soon be convinced of some of its undoubted advantages, for example, its increased comfort compared to an angular table. Turning to historical sources and using the facts of modern psychologists studying this issue, we can safely conclude that conversations at a round table are much warmer and more lively than at a regular, square or rectangular one. It is worth remembering only King Arthur and his brave knights, who discussed issues of prime importance at the round table. Also, based purely on pragmatic, dry facts, one cannot help but note that more people can be seated at a round table than at an angular one.

An L-shaped kitchen can be organized in two ways:

• Two traditional lines of furniture, consisting of standing and upper cabinets, are positioned in relation to each other so that they meet at right angles, creating a comfortable work surface with the longest worktop, and tall elements, i.e. a refrigerator and a possible column with an oven, were at the edges of the lines. Then it will be easy to create a convenient sequence. If a row of cabinets with a sink are located against a wall with a window, place the sink there (if possible, of course). • One row of cabinets with countertop, sink, stove with refrigerator and oven. This is a modern and willingly chosen way of arranging a kitchen with large space for storing dishes and food in drawers and pull-out cargo cabinets and with built-in appliances: refrigerator, oven and possibly a microwave, coffee maker or steamer, placed at an ergonomic height for the user.

A perpendicular row of countertop cabinets should provide a convenient place for food preparation: pre-processing, cooking and washing up. You will need a main tabletop - at least 80 cm long, between the sink and the hob, an auxiliary - 30 cm, between the refrigerator and the sink (on the left) and a tabletop 30-40 cm wide on the other side of the hob. Ideally, the refrigerator, sink and stove (with oven) form a so-called working triangle.

The main advantages of washing by the window

Window above the sink Source www.lietu66.com
You can place the sink near the window only after studying all the advantages of this design. Many people believe that this will help preserve useful space. Others believe that this design is less demanding to maintain. It is important to remember the following points:

  • Nice appearance. The structure is an interesting area. While washing dishes, you can simultaneously enjoy the pleasant view outside the window.
  • Good lighting. When working in this area during the day, no additional artificial light will be required. The sink is well illuminated, and if necessary, this light can be regulated by curtains.
  • Space saving. In small kitchens, the question always arises of where to place the sink area. It is best to do this at the opening. This way the window sill will be used to its advantage. This design option is also suitable for combined rooms.
  • Possibility of installing a wide sink. The wide window sill allows you to install a massive sink or even embed it into the countertop. This creates additional space and convenience.

How interesting a design can be depends on the design. It is usually made of marble or ceramics. Stainless steel sink models are less commonly installed.

Soft corner along the window Source remoo.ru

White set Source i.pinimg.com

Advantages and disadvantages of an L-shaped kitchen

The biggest advantages of an L-shaped kitchen are:

  • this layout can be used both in closed and open spaces,
  • great possibilities for arranging kitchen units,
  • It is easy to adjust the dimensions to the area of ​​the room.

Internal corner equipment

The corner of the kitchen unit is a space that owners can use for many purposes:

  1. Installation of drawers, metal mesh for drying dishes. Drawers and boxes for household chemicals, detergents, sponges, and rags can also be placed under the countertop.
  2. A sink or dishwasher can be built into the corner of the unit. For this purpose, you will need to connect communication lines to the sink, as well as protect the space under the sink from moisture and pathogenic fungus.

The corner of the headset can be used in another way, for example, to install an oven.

The disadvantages, however, include:

  • difficulty in arranging storage space - corners and deep cabinets,
  • this arrangement is not suitable for long kitchens,
  • This arrangement is more spacious than a single-row kitchen, but provides less storage space than a U-shaped kitchen.

Remember that there should be enough space in the row of cabinets for food preparation. The length of the main countertop must be at least 80 cm between the sink and hob and 30 cm between the sink and the refrigerator.

L-Shaped Kitchen Colors

The color of an L-shaped kitchen depends on whether it is in a common space with the living room or is a separate room. If the colors match the layout of the living room, the interior will be harmonious, with no part of the space dominating the rest.

If the kitchen is located in a separate room, its color scheme can be any, but it is also better if it matches the arrangement of the entire apartment - then the problem of combining the colors of the floors and walls disappears.

Most often, one-color kitchens with a contrasting countertop or two-color ones - some cabinet fronts are wooden, and some are covered with white, gray, beige varnish (less often in another color).

Shapes of corner sinks for the kitchen

The variety of stylistic solutions for kitchen sets also implies the creation of a variety of sinks that match the design and interior. Most often, such sinks are produced in the shape of a square, circle or rectangle.

A square corner sink is distinguished by an increased level of functionality even in a small room area. This model is spacious and has one bowl without any extras. Such structures can be placed on a countertop surface that has a non-standard depth. This makes the work area more productive.

Round corner sinks have been produced not so long ago, but in such a short period of time they have become in demand and popular in corner kitchens. Their advantages:

  • large capacity;
  • external attractiveness;
  • compact size.

Classic interior Source Classic interior
These devices are often installed by homeowners with small kitchens. The absence of corners in such a sink increases the hygiene of the product, and the original design fits organically into different style trends.

Rectangular sinks are the most popular models, which are the easiest to install in a cramped corner of the kitchen with the letter L. Such products give the room severity and restraint, without depriving it of home comfort. The rectangular sink has a large capacity, making washing dishes comfortable and convenient.

White corner kitchen with chrome elements Source vash-vybor.info

Dark kitchen set with south windows Source taburetti.kiev.ua

L-shaped kitchen with island

An L-shaped kitchen means installing kitchen cabinets in two rows at right angles to each other. This arrangement will give you a workspace that you will enjoy using every day, especially when preparing food.

The L-shaped layout can also be used by adding a kitchen island, which will increase the amount of work space in the kitchen and allow you to develop all the available space. This solution will also work well in the case of a kitchen corner, as it will allow you to aesthetically separate the living room from the kitchen, creating a harmonious design.

When setting up an L-shaped kitchen, remember to place a row of cabinets, both upper and lower, in the same position, one below the other, which will create an ideal and harmoniously arranged space.

Round bar counters

If the designer has a large space at his disposal, and it is impossible to round the corners of the kitchen itself, it is worth taking a closer look at the shapes of the bar counters. Most often semicircular, much less often - round bar counters will be an interesting addition to any modern design, from modern to hi-tech. If the kitchen is designed for people who cannot imagine their life without a noisy, cheerful company, then a bar counter instead of a table will be a more rational solution. In addition, by giving preference to semicircular bar counters rather than flat ones, the designer saves precious space, which is rarely superfluous, especially in the kitchen. Typically, this kind of furniture is perfectly complemented by other round details, for example, high bar stools with round seats or an oval chandelier that provides proper lighting.

Kitchen in the letter L with a window

Many kitchens have access to a window, which gives the room a natural glow from the sunlight that streams in. However, the window itself should also be used when decorating, especially in the case of an L-shaped kitchen.

The countertops will be well lit, which will significantly increase comfort while cooking. Try placing the sink centrally under the window. An extremely important issue when arranging an L-shaped kitchen is the use of the so-called working triangle, namely the correct location of the refrigerator, sink and stove in relation to each other so that the person preparing food moves along the triangle when performing various stages of cooking.

This will save time and make cooking more enjoyable. A great idea for furnishing an L-shaped kitchen is also to create a series of base cabinets with a countertop, stove and sink at right angles to the kitchen furniture, intended only for storage. This solution will divide the space into two zones. On one wall you will have space for food preparation and cooking, while on the other you will create a perfectly organized space for storing utensils, food, kitchen utensils, dishes and pots.

L-shaped white kitchen

One of the most modern and used solutions is the white L-shaped kitchen . You can outfit white cabinets with darker countertops to create an eye-pleasing contrast. However, if you choose to go with all-white kitchen cabinetry, you will end up with a very minimalist and modern layout that will certainly look elegant.

Additionally, white furniture is ideal for colorful arrangements because it will perfectly complement any color used in the room, but it will also get the job done in smaller rooms.

Lighting for L-shaped kitchen furniture

In the kitchen, the issue of lighting is very important - after all, each zone should have its own light source: a dining area above the countertop or table, a cooking area above the countertop, a storage area (for example, a pantry), etc.

For comfortable use of furniture, it is worth acquiring special lighting for the interior of the cabinets. It can be placed above the door or inside furniture. Kitchen cabinet lighting also includes strips and spotlights that can be installed under hanging cabinets - this is very important under cabinet lighting that gives a clear view of the work surface, crucial when preparing food.

What can be placed near the window?

Are you the owner of a kitchen with a large window or a small one? Or maybe there is not one opening, but two? In any of the 3 options there are 4 standard ways to usefully use an architectural opening.

Work zone

The method is most often used in private houses and ordinary apartments: the window sill is replaced with a countertop. A kitchen with a window in the work area has several disadvantages. Firstly, the height of a standard kitchen unit is ~85 cm, and the windows are 90-100. If you raise the countertop by a meter, people of short or average height will find it uncomfortable to cook. Leaving a gap between the window sill and the table is not always convenient.

The photo shows a room with two large window openings

L-shaped kitchen countertop

Countertops are extremely important. A good countertop should be very resistant (including to temperature and scratches) and visually emphasize the design of the kitchen. Wooden countertops are a very effective solution:

  • solid wood, such as beech, oak or birch;
  • wooden plywood, for example, covered with a thick veneer of walnut, ash, oak.

For kitchens with a cooler design, such as modern, industrial or glamorous, quartz countertops such as white, black, graphite, imitation stone or marble are a better option. A more economical solution is laminated countertops in various colors and patterns.

In an L-shaped kitchen, the countertop can span the entire length of the kitchen, but it can also be placed on just one of the walls, for example on a longer one.

Basic rules for kitchen design

When you take on kitchen design, you shouldn’t limit yourself in anything. Before deciding on the type of kitchen (matte or glossy), the material from which the furniture will be made and the color scheme itself, you should pay attention to the shape of the kitchen. In addition to the “square” and “rectangular” kitchens that are familiar to us, in which the furniture is located strictly along the perimeter of the kitchen, it is worth paying attention to the new fashion trend in design, the “round” kitchen. By getting rid of unnecessary corners, the room becomes much more elegant; with the help of round and rounded objects, designers often recreate an atmosphere of lightness and airiness. Also, families with children will find another advantage in round kitchens - the minimized number of sharp corners will protect their kids from unwanted injuries. In addition, people who decide to use round kitchens notice that in these rooms they feel much more comfortable, and they do not have a feeling of security that may be lacking in other rooms. Sharp corners, like any other sharp objects, are recognized by people at the subconscious level as a danger from which they should stay away.

Kitchen sink in letter L

To choose the right kitchen sink, you need to be guided by the size of the kitchen and its design, as well as your own needs. For a small kitchen, it is better to install a single-chamber sink that will not take up much space. An alternative is sinks with 1.5 and 2 compartments.

If the sink will be under a window and you can't hang a kitchen cabinet above it, you might want to choose a sink with a drainer that can accommodate a dish draining rack. If you have a cabinet above the sink, it is better to place the dryer inside.

Ledge in the corner of the kitchen

In many old and new homes, the kitchen work area is accompanied by a ventilation shaft. The protrusions are different: wide and narrow, deep and insignificant. What to do if it is in this place that you plan to place the top of the furniture corner?

All over the world, people live in houses with various projections, beams, boxes, and crossbars. But it is not common practice everywhere to be “ashamed” of these design features and hide them if possible. Look how Europeans deal with a deep kitchen ledge : they simply tear apart the kitchen set in this place, without trying by hook or by crook to connect the two sides of the corner into a single whole.

Ventilation shaft in the corner of the kitchen: how to plan cabinets?

Of course, if the ledge is shallow , there is no point in dividing the kitchen into parts. The obstacle can be gracefully circumvented. However, it is better to abandon the upper cabinets in this place, leaving the area empty or decorating it with corner shelves.

Ventilation ledge in the kitchen

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