Mysterious KGT: what is a hotel-type apartment and is it worth buying it

Small-family apartments are multi-storey residential buildings containing a significant number of small apartments. This type of real estate was actively built throughout the Soviet Union from 1960 to 1990. Small-family houses are hotel-type panel buildings, usually with one entrance and a small technical floor. Most often, such houses have one elevator. On each floor, as a rule, there are 13 residential apartments.

In Soviet times, the issue of housing shortage became extremely urgent, so small-family dormitories began to be built en masse, which the common people began to call small-family. This decision made it possible to provide apartments for single people and young families who were able to get their own housing, albeit a very small one. Currently, this type of real estate can often be found on the market, because small families are still in demand.

Living room design: forget about boring interior!

The hotel differs from the apartment not only in its interesting layout, but also in its small area.
Basically, its dimensions do not exceed 17 square meters. m. It is quite difficult to arrange modest square footage, but modern designers have found ways to solve this problem. They consist of correctly performing zoning and thinking through a storage system. The use of built-in wardrobes and shelves allows you to create a cozy and ergonomic home. It will be spacious and filled with light, despite its small size. In addition, it is as functional, comfortable and modern as possible.

Loft-style room design with diffused soft light

The combination of white and red in the interior looks very beautiful and modern

Small living room design option

Very beautiful living room design in chocolate color

Living room design with combined kitchen and bedroom

It is not difficult to create a beautiful and comfortable living room design. Modern zoning methods will help with this. By determining how many parts of the room are needed and how much area is allocated to them, you can get multifunctional and comfortable housing.

One of the most common ways to furnish a home is the studio option. Such apartments must have a kitchen, bedroom and living room. Moreover, all this is located in one room. In order for them to harmonize, it is necessary to remember the requirements that apply to each zone.

Design of a small living room in a modern style

The combination of different colors in the interior looks very caric

The design of the room is made in a modern style with imitation wood

The design of the room is made in one color scheme

You can decorate the room with paintings; they will perfectly complement the interior

A studio apartment has both pros and cons.

Low housing price

Small area. Suitable for one or two people.

It will take some money to set it up

It is difficult to find a place for privacy if there is a family living

The presence of uniform lighting, as there are no partitions.

Sounds, smells and dirt spread to all areas of the space

The space is divided into functional areas

It will be a pleasure to relax in such a room

The design of the room is made in the style of minimalism

The design of the room is made in one color scheme

The room design is made in dark colors in a modern style

Living room design with combined kitchen

Is CHT beneficial?

The answer to the question related to benefits will be different: depending on whether you are going to invest money in a hotel or are looking for housing. To understand this issue, you need to consider the factors that influence cost.

Here's what affects the cost:

  1. Financial situation of potential buyers. As a rule, people with limited financial resources (young people and pensioners) are interested in small-sized housing.
  2. There is a great demand for small-sized housing. In cities it is great, since it is in them that a large number of young people, students, and couples starting their family life are concentrated.
  3. Square. According to the laws of the real estate market, the smaller the area, the lower the cost. But at the same time, the price per square meter of small-size housing is higher than that of multi-size housing. That is, small housing is cheaper than large housing only due to its modest area.

Is CHT beneficial for an investor?

From an investment point of view, hotels are a good option. The demand for small-sized apartments is high, but the supply does not fully satisfy it, and therefore any small hotel will be in demand on the market and will soon pay for itself, despite (or thanks to) the limited funds of buyers. Plus, cosmetic repairs or furnishing of a small apartment will cost less than in a larger area.

Are CHT beneficial for the buyer and the tenant?

The situation with buying a hotel for living is ambiguous - depending on your desires and plans. KGTs are suitable for students, young people and couples who are just starting an independent life as temporary housing. After all, during this period of life there are still few financial opportunities, and by the time the family appears (enlarges) or after several years of employment after studying, finances for more comfortable housing will already appear. Guest houses are also suitable for those who do not need a lot of space (according to the principle of “being content with little”), for example, single people.

If the apartment has everything you need, but you don’t need a lot of space, a living room is a good solution

In all these cases, the question arises: buy a hotel or rent. In each specific situation this is individual, and therefore it is up to you to decide. The ideal option for temporary housing is to rent a hotel. And if there are no plans to increase the apartment, then you can purchase housing as your own.

If you have no desire to live on 20 square meters. m. or you have a large family, a living room is not the best option for your comfortable stay. Plus, if you plan to improve your financial capabilities in the near future or you already have them, it’s probably not worth spending money on such a purchase.

When choosing for or against a hotel, you need to take into account its condition, so that you don’t end up in a situation where you spent the same or even more money on repairs and putting your home in order. In such a situation, you will agree, it is better to buy a full-fledged apartment (even a one-room apartment).

Approximate prices for KGT

The approximate price for a hotel in the regions and in the distant Moscow region is on average 1 million rubles; there are cheaper or more expensive options. In the near Moscow region and Moscow, prices rise as you approach the center of the capital and range from 2 to 7 million rubles.

Zoning Features

In the kitchen, an important point is the presence of ventilation and good exhaust hood. Otherwise, the aroma during the cooking process will permeate things and other objects in the apartment. As for the arrangement of this area, a sink, a table for processing food and household appliances are needed.

An equally important part of the room is intended for sleeping. Studio apartments have a small bed and sofas. They will take up little space, which will save space. Another option for sleeping space is also suitable for the studio: a podium with a mattress.

Here you can also organize an area for storing things. A built-in closet, which is equipped with the necessary drawers and so on, will help with this. Things are perfectly arranged in it and everything will fit.

You can also separate the living room. It is intended for receiving friends and relatives. Therefore, it is necessary to place a sofa, armchairs and a coffee table.

The presence of a balcony or loggia is an important advantage of the studio. This area can be used to arrange a workplace. It is pre-insulated.

Wood in the interior looks very beautiful and modern

The room is designed in a modern style

A dark sofa in a bright room will perfectly complement the interior

Living room design with a bed on the second floor

To save space in the room, you can make the bed on the second floor

What does it look like

A gostinka is a living space that resembles a one-room apartment, but is much smaller in area. It may have a combined bathroom or just a toilet; there may be no kitchen at all, and if there is one, it will be of a very tiny size. The building in which such apartments are located can have from 5 to 16 floors and does not have balconies. As a rule, this is one entrance. The rooms are located on both sides of the stairs in a long and narrow corridor.

We can highlight the characteristic features for each hotel:

  • small kitchen or lack thereof;
  • a bathroom or a simple toilet one and a half square;
  • the presence of more than 50 apartments on one floor;
  • The total area of ​​such an apartment is up to 25 square meters. m.;
  • there is no balcony or loggia;
  • Electric stoves only.

If there is a kitchen in it, then it is a separate corner or niche into which the water supply is routed. In such a niche, naturally, there is no special lighting.

How to decorate the interior of a studio apartment?

To decorate the interior of an apartment, studios mainly use several styles. This allows you to get modern and cozy housing. Perfect for these purposes:

The style used must be unique. In this case, non-traditional arrangement options are excellent. Custom-made furniture and antiques look original.

Before choosing a style, you need to decide what the owner of the apartment wants to get. After this, analyze the room. What can be removed, preserved or restored in it. If several styles are used, they must be in contact.

White color combined with dark wood looks very fashionable and modern

White color in the interior can visually expand the boundaries

A drawing on the wall will perfectly complement the interior of the room

The design of the room is made in one color scheme

Design of a small living room with a combined bedroom and living room


  • Finding such housing to buy is very difficult; there is practically nothing to choose from;
  • If you happen to meet a suitable version of a small family, then his condition is very deplorable.

Of course, for a young couple this is not an obstacle, the main thing is that they have their own home, and repairs, compared to even buying a hotel, are trifles. It won’t be possible to change the layout of one room much, and it won’t be much different from the previous one. Such an apartment is also sought after by creative individuals who set themselves the goal of turning this room into a workshop.

Main trends in modern living room design

Modern interior goes beyond the usual: it is for those who keep up with the times. His fashion trends and styles are interesting and unique in their rationality.

Industrial “exposes” wires, ceiling beams, pipes, fittings. The spacious room deliberately emphasizes the negligence of bare walls, and old things serve as decor. This design creates the effect of a factory premises in which they decided to live.

For modern apartments, “old” walls and industrial lighting fixtures (street lamps, soffits, etc.) are borrowed from the industrial style. Rough leather upholstery and metal tables with rivets complete the interior concept.

Scandinavian design. Its basis is good quality and reliability. Hence moderate decor, functionality, a lot of light and simplicity. White color, natural textiles and wood are actively used. Bright pillows, chairs or lamps serve as color accents. The interior is complemented by “airy” glass tables, convenient storage systems, soft carpets and indoor plants.

Photo of a modern living room in Scandinavian style:

Modern: minimalism, grace and comfort of neutral tones, complemented by bright details. The interior is dominated by pastel colors or fabric textures of wallpaper combined with natural wood floors. The shades are muted, the furniture is comfortable, functional, with smooth lines.

The style requires a lot of light, so there is a floor-to-ceiling window or multi-level lighting. For decoration, indoor plants, light curtains, frescoes and paintings depicting nature are used.

Techno. Chaotic, fantastic design, full of glass, plastic and metal. Technical progress reigns here, and cool shades of surfaces are offset by the shimmering gloss of details. A techno-living room is an interior with minimalist, squat sofas, futuristic lamps, strange-looking transformable lamps and all sorts of technical details.

Conscious chaos in a photo of a living room in a modern techno style:

Minimalism models the space of a room with the help of functional items and accessories, united by a harmony of colors. The interior of the hall is light and contrasting, but does not exclude the design in deep and warm accent colors. “Cubic” furniture without elaborate details is adjacent to glass and gloss. The basis of the style is practicality and functionality. No ornamentation: only uniformity of coatings and expressive angularity throughout.

Loft. A room without walls or partitions, with high ceilings and huge windows. Untreated brick walls, wooden floor beams, pastel-colored panels - deliberate roughness and asceticism of design. And next to it are ultra-modern appliances and glass furniture with chrome details. Unexpected proportions and original design dominate here.

Here is an example photo of a bright living room in a modern loft style:

High-tech is restraint, an abundance of glass, metal, multifunctional structures and lamps. The interior is distinguished by a cool glossy shine, strict, precise proportions and monochrome tones in the decoration. The almost complete rejection of decor brings to the fore the cult of high technology and light. The lack of emotion in the design of an apartment is compensated by expensive accessories. Bright textiles enliven this realm of graphics and contrast:

Design of a small studio apartment - the advantages of a small apartment

The main advantage of a studio apartment is the absence of walls and unnecessary partitions. A person can arrange all the objects in the way that is convenient for him. At the same time, every meter can be used in the studio.

In addition, the studios are always light. Several windows, especially if they are of a standard size, provide natural light that is so lacking in offices or large apartments.

It is also very easy to make repairs in the studio; besides, the small area and the absence of partitions between rooms will save a lot of money on the purchase of building materials.

Modern living room interiors. Photos of color solutions

Modern design is a canvas with the main strokes of the overall idea. Then it comes down to the color scheme, in which preference is given to pastel tones. We must not forget about the orientation of the windows in the apartment: the northern location allows you to use warm shades, and the southern location allows you to use cold blue, purple and metallic gray.

The basic colors of modern design are white and its derivatives (baked milk, beige, ivory, cream), black, gray. Sofas taken from different styles look advantageous against a pale background. To prevent the living room from looking “flat” and faceless, add “spots” in the form of accessories (pillows, vases, lamps), wallpaper patterns on one of the walls or upholstery.

Cool blue changes before your eyes when paired with warm tones (beige, golden, sand, olive). The hall turns out to be bright, cool and airy.

Modern living room design in a photo of the interior in blue and beige:

Red, yellow and orange are energetic colors that break up the calm of modern style. Against the background of light colors, they look rich, but slightly muted, making the cozy interior lively and festive.

The traditional design of a modern living room is gray and its shades (high-tech, modern, loft). Combinations with white and black create a discreet and elegant design.

What design to choose for a living room of 14 sq. m?

Living room design 14 sq. m, first of all, depends on your personal tastes and preferences. After all, every family member in any part of the house should feel cozy and comfortable.

But don’t forget to comfortably accommodate guests – even in a small area. Move partitions, build arches - study the recommendations of fashion designers, use your own imagination - and you will definitely be able to create an elegant, one-of-a-kind style.

It is worth remembering that minimalism is at the peak of fashion these days. Using the developments of his adherents in the design of the living room, you can easily achieve the desired result.

The main distinctive feature of minimalism: the amount of decor and various cute little things will have to be significantly limited. But the combination of artificial and natural materials is welcome. At the same time, it is best to choose a tree, you definitely won’t regret it.

And if you prefer classics and bright colors, the best choice for you will be the Art Nouveau style, which is now popular among urban residents. The only condition is that you need to stop at a maximum of 3 colors and combine them correctly. Art Nouveau is rounded shapes, shiny surfaces and high spirits.

If you are not averse to experimenting and are confident in your own abilities, combine different styles and surprise your guests with eclecticism.

Furniture and lighting in a modern interior: selection rules

A comfortable family room for relaxing or noisy communication with friends should be practically furnished and well-lit.


Clear, simple forms, modular designs, mobility and versatility are the basic requirements of the style. Bulkyness does not look good in a modern interior: it is based on space, air and maximum light in the apartment. Squat cabinets, low soft chairs and hanging console shelves would be the best choice.

Sofa. Large, soft, with straight or flowing lines - it is the central element of a modern room. Traditional corner sofas or popular small sofas create a cozy atmosphere and do not take up much space. A spacious room allows you to add soft armchairs and chairs, as in this photo of a living room in a modern style:

A coffee table is appropriate in a rectangular or round shape, without decorative elements. Glass will add lightness and “airiness” to the interior, and the modular matryoshka design of several tables is indispensable in a large company of guests. In some modern style trends (for example, loft), a massive vintage table “looking like an antique” looks extravagant.

Lighting fixtures set the tone for everything. Sconces or spotlights are selected for the central chandelier. The current trend is beautiful original floor lamps of bizarre shapes. A row of lamps in a straight or stepped design looks stylish, as in this photo of a modern living room:

Sometimes an unusual technique is used to combine directional lamps and LED lamps. To watch TV and enjoy music, dim lighting is installed, and side sconces are installed for reading books.

Multi-level ceilings with built-in spotlights are characteristic of a modern style. They visually enlarge the space, and the quality of lighting is improved due to the gloss of the finish and light translucent curtains (or lack thereof). Sometimes mirrors of strict geometric shapes are used in the living room.

The main task of furniture and lighting is to visually push boundaries and give light. This is especially important in small living rooms.

Why is it profitable to buy a hotel?

  1. According to the law of the market, the smaller the area, the more expensive a square meter of such housing costs.
  2. The economic crisis in the country and fairly high mortgage interest rates are pushing ordinary people to look for cheap housing. But the fewer offers, the higher their price will be.
  3. It is more profitable to rent out a hotel daily than monthly;
  4. Many owners of urban spaces, after the adoption of a new property tax, are ready to sell their luxurious apartments and move to live in a small, cozy apartment.
  5. In Russia, the hotel business has risen to a new level. Mini-hotels with a homely atmosphere and convenient location have become popular. Studio apartments for a day are in great demand. They are simply created for a short stay in an unfamiliar city.
  6. The cost of economy class housing, such as Soviet small families and gostinki, will pay off in just 2-3 years. Experienced realtors are hunting for just such apartments for permanent residence.

Modern interior of a small living room

When every meter is precious, it is important to combine a classic approach with innovative ideas and use design techniques. The following tricks will help you achieve space:

A small room does not tolerate flashy designs on the wallpaper. But decorative fireplaces, niches, open console shelves and podiums are the most practical attributes of modern style. It is possible to expand the space by adding a balcony or combining the living room with the kitchen.

Lighting in small rooms plays an important role. A combination of several sources (chandelier, sconces, lamps) is appropriate here. The space of the hall will visually increase if the light is directed onto the walls. A unique idea for the design of such premises is a high-tech interior, practical, strict and without unnecessary details.

Hotel prices

As everyone understands, any living space in the capital will cost several times more than in the region. If we talk about savings, it will be cheaper to buy an apartment during the construction stage, invest a little more money, and wait a little.

If we consider kgt in Moscow, the price of which will be less than 130 thousand rubles, then there are only 4.5% of them. One-room apartments and studios for sale account for 18% of the total. The most sought after and popular are apartments with an area of ​​40-45 square meters. m.

Photos of real projects

The strict lines of minimalism or techno live not only in catalogues. All modern living rooms, photos of which are presented below, were brought to life in ordinary city apartments.

Small and bright living room. Practical and functional design:

A few photos of modern wall slides in the living room:

Such multi-level structures in a modern style with open and closed shelves allow you to place everything you need without cluttering the space.

And here is an example of a successful design of a spacious living room in shades of gray, in combination with bright details:

These examples are proof that you shouldn’t be afraid to use futuristic elements of modern style in the interior, even in small apartments:

The good thing about modern style is that none of its trends overload the design with unnecessary details and are absolutely functional. The basis of such concepts is the desire to make a person’s life as easy as possible, emphasizing his individuality and character. Comfortable to look at, easy to use - the main principle of a living room interior in a modern style. Even if the wood in it is adjacent to stone, mirror surfaces and metal, it is completely and aesthetically attractive in its own way, therefore it is always in fashion.


The advantages of such housing

Only 2-3% of the total number of these offers remains on the real estate market. But the demand for such housing exceeds these figures tenfold. The advantage of the hotel is:

  • low price;
  • separate room;
  • good location;
  • the ability to always sell it;
  • low utility costs;
  • during renovation – significant savings (compared to an apartment);
  • if such living space is rented out, then it can be forgiven as for a normal one-room apartment;
  • Cleaning requires very little time.

The cost of this type of housing is low, as there is no comfort that people are used to. The difference between a gostinka and a small-family home is still clear. Despite the large number of neighbors, this is not a dorm room, not a communal apartment, but a separate apartment . During the construction of such houses, the proximity to transport links and social infrastructure was taken into account. In the recent past, it was possible to rent inexpensive housing in such a house for a short time.

Interior of a hotel-type apartment: ideas in the photo

Hotel-type apartments are quite popular today: the small area of ​​the property (usually no more than 17 sq. m) allows many people to purchase it. But even modest square footage can be arranged comfortably.

The design of an apartment of such a small area must be done wisely. Thoughtful zoning is the key to success.

Storage systems also need to be organized correctly: built-in cabinets and shelves are the best option.

Small-sized furniture, lack of numerous decor - an ideal choice for a small apartment.

Don’t forget about lighting: many chandeliers and lamps can visually expand the space.

Designing a small apartment with a non-standard layout is not an easy task. Therefore, drawing up a project plan is the best start, which will definitely lead to success.


Characteristics of a small family

Small families usually have one, sometimes two rooms. The advantage of such housing is the presence of a separate kitchen and bathroom. The main difference between small families and standard apartments and hotels is the location of the apartments. In a small-family dormitory, the apartments are located in a long corridor on both sides, but apart from the corridor, neighbors do not have any common rooms. In addition, quite often you can find hallways and a loggia in them, so small families can be considered full-fledged apartments, just with a small total area.

Let's decide on style

The interior of the living room in the apartment is created taking into account its dimensions, configuration, ceiling height, number and location of windows. It’s good if the room is spacious, but even if it’s not, the disadvantages of the living room can be disguised, and the advantages can be emphasized with the help of effective and affordable design solutions eny.


This style is an attempt to recreate the interior of the living rooms of the Russian nobility. It is hardly possible to reproduce it literally under modern conditions. First of all, not all living rooms are so large. Secondly, it is not always possible to harmoniously integrate technological devices and gadgets into a purely classic interior with stucco and crystal.

The modern interpretation of the classic style is characterized by an abundance of natural wood: oak, ash, larch. Classic style furniture - large and stable. Gray, brown, and beige shades are used for upholstery of sofas and armchairs. The use of bright, “screaming” tones is excluded.

The main accent in a classic living room will be natural stone - for example, a marble coffee table or a decorative fireplace. There are armchairs and a sofa around the table. It is convenient to combine such a living room with a kitchen.


Compared to the classics, this style is more simple, rustic. Today it is in stable demand for decorating apartments in cities, because it creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility. It is ideal for compact spaces. If there is little natural light outside, you can hang a volumetric curtain on the window, and place a lamp with warm orange light nearby - in the evenings this room will be the most comfortable in the house.

Provence is characterized by a pastel palette and an abundance of soft fabrics. The predominant print is floral. Provence allows the combination of various natural factors in one room: brickwork, wood, flax, ceramics. It would be appropriate to decorate a living room in Provence style with numerous decorative details: vases, figurines, soft toys, photographs in frames.


Minimalism is characterized by geometric shapes. Smooth lines, right angles, smooth plain surfaces - such a room will look laconic and at the same time cozy. Minimalism gravitates towards a dark and cold palette: gray, black, dark brown, white. If you want to add bright accents to the living room, they should be few and small. The space will be enlivened, for example, by a yellow or green vase on the table. The materials that predominate in minimalism are metal, glass, and plastic.

This style is somewhat similar to minimalism, but it looks softer. In a loft-style living room, you don’t need to glue wallpaper—it’s enough to paint the brick walls with plain paint. If the walls are not brick, the masonry can be imitated. Lighting devices should also be selected as if they were taken from an industrial premises and installed in a residential area. Ideally, if you can place several light sources in the living room and the lighting intensity can be adjusted, since the loft design looks more comfortable with a subdued light dim lighting.

Such a living room can be combined with a kitchen or dining room, because the loft presupposes the presence of open spaces. Furniture should be simple and geometric, not cluttering up the space. The worn effect is welcome: vintage carpets and wood with patina will add charm to the loft. Designer objects made of glass, metal, wood can be placed on the shelves as decorations.


Here the predominant color is white. The stereotype that white is a dirty color has long been untrue. The surfaces of modern finishing materials and furniture get dirty a little, and dirt from them can be wiped off with a minimum of effort.

Scandinavian style in the interior makes the living room spacious and “airy”. Bright accents are not used in this style: white is combined with gray, brown, black, pale green. Live or artificial plants can be placed on the windowsill, floor and tables.

Photos of the living room in different styles

We select the color scheme

If we consider colors without reference to specific interior styles, we should note some patterns of their use and combination.


In order for a living room in a modern style to be picturesque and “with character,” it is not necessary to paint the walls red or buy a table with a golden top. From two to five bright accents will be enough to enliven a restrained, elegant room in restrained tones. It is better to decorate the room with contrasting details that are easy to replace - for example, a chandelier and a picture, but not a windowsill or mosaic on the floor. When you want to make cosmetic repairs, you can limit yourself to replacing the old colored components on the background. This will not only create a different mood in the living room, but will also help you save money.


One and the same color can have dozens of shades. If you choose two or three shades from this range, you can successfully combine them. At the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it with prints: the floor, walls and/or ceiling should be plain, neutral gray or beige.


Pastel colors create a feeling of environmental friendliness. The delicate beige, pistachio, dark pink surfaces in the evening are looked at by those who were forced to sit at the computer all day. This palette creates a feeling of warmth in the house.

Tips for finishing

To make the living room convenient to use and to require little effort in caring for it, we recommend adhering to the following rules.

Modern design of a living room in an apartment involves the use of parquet or linoleum. These are high-quality and inexpensive materials that can be easily washed from any contaminants. Most likely, people will walk on the floor of the living room more often than on the floors of other rooms. If you plan to have lunch and dinner in the living room, keep in mind that crumbs and tea will inevitably fall on the floor, so choose a durable and moisture-resistant coating.

When linoleum or parquet gets scuffed or scratched due to long-term intensive use, they can be covered with carpet. Also, with the help of a carpet, it is convenient to zone spacious living rooms, including if one is combined with a kitchen.

Laminate used to be a budget product and not the most environmentally friendly analogue of parquet. Nowadays, cheap laminate actually contains harmful impurities and wears out faster. But expensive varieties of this material are in no way inferior to parquet in both aesthetic and functional characteristics. Dirt is almost invisible on the contrasting texture of the laminate.

Important: for the living room it is better to buy laminate with a bevel on four sides. It will not begin to squeak or swell over time.


They should not attract too much attention to themselves. They can be covered with wallpaper, painted, mosaiced, or paneled. You can decorate each wall in your own unique manner, as long as the room is not too cramped, otherwise it will be even more visually smaller. Photographs and posters are usually hung on the walls in the living room, so preference is given to plain wallpaper or paint.


The classic solution is a monochromatic light coating. If the ceiling height exceeds 3 meters, you can use suspended structures with height differences. This will allow you to zone the room and give it a unique look.

The height difference between different levels of the plasterboard ceiling should not exceed 6 cm. Otherwise, a too massive structure will form above your head. The silhouettes of “steps” on the ceiling must be rectangular. Curved shapes in residential premises look out of place.

Important: the hidden light in such a design must be directed from both sides, otherwise it will highlight all the smallest flaws in the surface.

We buy furniture

The design of a living room is largely determined by the furniture: sofa, wardrobe and chairs. These are the key elements of the room, which become a guideline when selecting the rest of the furnishings. Nowadays, sofas with laconic geometric shapes are in fashion, and lush cushions look vintage. Previously, two chairs of identical design were added to the sofas, but today this is no longer necessary. You can buy the chair separately or take an ottoman or couch instead.

If the room is combined with a kitchen or dining room, you need a large dining table. A coffee or coffee table will take up less space and will look more stylish, but dining will not be as comfortable. You can find coffee tables of the most incredible designs on sale, and the design of dining models to this day remains quite conservative. If the living room is to serve as a work office, the table must be selected at such a height and width that it can accommodate a computer and other necessary items. It is better to place the table on which you plan to work near the window.

Sliding wardrobes are usually placed in dressing rooms, hallways or bedrooms, and shelving is purchased for living rooms. In this way, the room partially assumes the function of a library. Guests with whom you are not too familiar will be grateful to you: by looking at the books and photographs on the shelves, they will better know your tastes and understand where to start the conversation.


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