Bedroom design 17 sq. m. - layouts, design features

A large and spacious bedroom is a real luxury that is not available in standard apartments. In some cases, you can combine two rooms to create more bedroom space. Interior design professionals know how to design a spacious bedroom with taste.

The bedroom is the most secluded place when compared with other rooms.

Features of the layout for a bedroom 17 sq.m.

Interior design often depends on the layout of the room. The square one is considered the most convenient in terms of furniture arrangement, but the rectangular one also has its advantages.

It is in it that the personality of the owners is reflected.

Square layout

Ideal for any design concept. Here it is recommended to place the bed in the center and, when arranging the rest of the furniture, start from it. A symmetrical design with bedside tables, a wardrobe and a mirror is considered classic.

When falling asleep or waking up, a person should feel comfortable.

Rectangular layout

It is not considered universal, as it is not suitable for every design. It is important here not to place furniture around the perimeter so that the environment does not look dull. It is recommended to place a double bed in the center, but not necessarily lengthwise. The closet should be located on the wall opposite the bed, slightly diagonally.

To balance the interior, place furniture against both walls, otherwise there will be a pronounced imbalance.

It is ideal when the bed and, for example, a mirror are on one wall, and the wardrobe and chest of drawers are on the opposite wall.

A good mood is the goal when decorating a secluded corner.

With a balcony

To expand the bedroom area, you can connect it to a balcony. But this is difficult and not always possible, and therefore the balcony area should be used differently. For example, by placing a lounge area there. A small wicker sofa or armchairs, a table, flowers - all this will make the bedroom more comfortable.

It is important to think through the design - down to the smallest detail, so that in the future you can only enjoy your vacation.

Important! Today the Mediterranean interior style is in fashion. Use his ideas for decoration: white, long and light curtains, light wood, a combination of white and azure - all this will make the interior more comfortable and modern.

Finishing materials also play a vital role in the interior.

Choosing bedroom furniture

When choosing pieces of furniture for the bedroom, focus primarily on your comfort. If just a bed and a bedside table are enough for you, well, you can stick with such minimalism.

If you need a storage system, consider its location in such a way that there is enough space in the room and the space does not look too crowded.

Of course, the centerpiece of every bedroom is the bed. According to the latest trends, the design of the bed should be as concise and simple as possible. No unnecessary decorative elements - give preference to convenience and high quality.

At the same time, if no other decorative elements are planned in the room, it is quite possible to choose a more original bed model with beautiful carvings or a large headboard.

Bedroom and office - how to combine?

Rarely in an apartment can you come up with a separate room for a workplace. At the same time, more and more people are choosing to work or study from home. In this case, most often a bedroom is set up as a workplace.

To do this, you will need a small desk, a storage system (racks, shelves or cabinets), and a comfortable chair.

You can complement your work area by decorating the wall with bright posters, placing a cactus or an original table lamp on your desk.

Compared to the kitchen, where we prepare lunch and gather with the whole family for dinner, or the living room, where we receive guests, the bedroom has rather limited functionality. However, it is in this room that we spend noticeably more time than in others. So its design should be approached especially carefully, thinking through every element to achieve maximum comfort.

The main thing is to remember that whatever the fashion trends, it is primarily important to focus on how comfortable and relaxed you feel. And, if the bedroom makes you want to relax and lie down to rest after a busy day of work, then you were right with the renovation

How to zoning a bedroom-living room of 17 square meters. m

In a one-room apartment of a panel house, combining a bedroom and a living room is considered a popular technique. To make the interior more functional, the bedroom area is usually separated from the living room.

The layout is chosen based on the style, location and size of the bedroom.

Today the most popular zoning methods are:

  • podium;
  • screen;
  • glass or plasterboard partition.

The layout of a 17 meter bedroom can vary dramatically.

A stylish bedroom of 17 sq m, the photo design of which can be viewed in the selection, can successfully fit into the format of the living room if it is zoned correctly.

A successful way would be a podium that will highlight the sleeping area and gracefully separate it from the living room. The podium can be combined with curtains that can be hung around the perimeter, or a canopy.

Each case must be approached individually: what suits one room may be completely unnecessary for another.

A screen is a more budget-friendly and simpler option for separating the bed from the living room. It should be opaque, which increases its functionality.

Today, various partitions are in fashion, which allow you to achieve the effect of a real room. Behind the glass partitions, the bedroom will be isolated, but its area will also increase due to the entry into the living room.

The space will seem airy and the light will be evenly distributed throughout the room.

Important! Choose a zoning method depending on the style and interior design.

Design project options

In order to prevent all problems that may arise in the future, as well as to provide for all the necessary little things and details that will ensure a more comfortable existence, it is necessary to develop a competent design project, which will become the basis for creating the bedroom interior.

Let's consider the main stages of drawing up a design project for a bedroom:

  1. The first step is to decide on the size of your budget. This step is necessary, since proper distribution of finances will allow you to save money and avoid unexpected expenses;
  2. At the next stage, you need to decide on the interior, the style of the room and the necessary pieces of furniture. If your budget allows, you can seek help from a competent specialist - an interior designer, but if the furnishings and renovation of the bedroom are carried out as part of the economy, you will have to do it yourself;
  3. Then you need to make a preliminary assessment of the selected finishing materials and furniture elements, after which you need to compare the amount received with the budget. If there are funds left, you can use them for additional decor, and if the amount goes beyond the established limits, you need to either expand them or reduce expenses;
  4. After all these stages, there follows a period of finishing the room: cosmetic or major repairs, assembly and placement of furniture in accordance with the design idea, as well as minor adjustments to the location of some parts, which can be made if necessary, but is not mandatory.

Let's take a closer look at examples of design projects of the most successful and stylish bedrooms of the appropriate size

For narrow

A bright bedroom with a large double bed located in a narrow twelve-meter room looks very stylish. The bed is located in the center of the room, and a wall-mounted TV is mounted on the opposite wall.

In the corner of the room you can place an unusual chair in the shape of an open rosebud, and the light interior is complemented by dark curtains made of thick material.

A narrow bedroom can be more functional. For example, if you choose a not very wide single bed, a small narrow bedside table will fit quite well in the corner next to it. And the hanging shelves located above the sleeping area are equipped with lamps, thus solving the problem of additional lighting.

Almost all walls and furniture should make up the main color palette of the interior, for example, white. Therefore, the wall behind the bed, decorated with bright photo wallpapers, will help to slightly dilute the atmosphere.

The interior can also be complemented with a fluffy carpet, a small cabinet in the form of a wooden chest and decorative trinkets placed in the window sill area.

3x4 meters

A very stylish bedroom design with a standard area in warm brown tones. A large bed is located in the center of the room, and a small wall in a white and brown color scheme is built into the opposite wall.

On both sides of the bed there are small bedside tables, the color scheme matching the wall. And on the cabinets there are stylish lamps with elegant lampshades. In the area near the window there is a small cozy armchair, and on the wall above the bed there are two paintings depicting landscapes of Japanese cities to complement the interior.

The very stylish modern design of a 12-meter bedroom will appeal to even the most capricious apartment dwellers. The interior is decorated as in the previous example in a brown color scheme. The different shades are chosen very well, making the bedroom look very harmonious.

There are several interesting points in this layout:

Living room 17 squares: photo, design and design rules

The bedroom-living room can be decorated in different styles - from modern to country or classic.

Modern styles look most organic: loft, hygge, Scandinavian, minimalism, hi-tech, eco.

These directions go well with the combined space.

There are rules for the design and design of a 17 sq. m bedroom that should be taken into account.

  1. Keep more air and space so that the interior does not look cluttered and overloaded. This is especially true for a combined layout.
  2. Use furniture and interior decoration in light colors, so the bedroom-living room will look more spacious and modern.
  3. Do not use multi-colored textiles and wallpaper. Give preference to strict monochrome or sophisticated pastels in combination with neutral tones.
  4. Zone the room in different ways, including visual ones.
  5. Use a minimum of furniture so that the decor looks free and not overloaded.

Thanks to simple techniques, achieving excellent results is quite easy.

Important! Prefer simplicity and elegance, for this purpose choose light furniture and accessories.

Preparing to combine a bedroom with a balcony

The design of a “bedroom” room with a balcony involves insulating the balcony room. The room and the combined balcony must have the same temperature. If there are old windows on the balcony, they need to be replaced with modern double-glazed windows with two or three chambers. For insulation, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene or polystyrene are used, which are covered on both sides with a film for hydro- and vapor barrier. These materials should be mounted not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling and floor. For a corner room or a cold house, it is worth ordering a “warm floor” system. After this, it is worth dismantling the balcony block and part of the wall.

Insulation of the balcony in the bedroom. Photo

The sequence of actions is as follows for the design of a bedroom of 18 square meters. m. with balcony:

  • Remove windows and doors from the sashes.
  • Remove all windows.
  • Use a chisel and hammer to create a gap between the door or window frames.
  • Unscrew the fasteners on the metal frame on which the window is mounted.
  • Saw off the fasteners on the sides and corners.
  • Clean the ends of the walls.

To remove part of the wall, you need:

  • Remove the baseboard.
  • Remove trim.
  • Use a hammer drill or a chisel with a sledgehammer to remove the bricks. If the wall is made of concrete, you need to punch holes in it and remove pieces with a grinder or sledgehammer. The reinforcement is cut using a diamond wheel.

The floor in the bedroom and on the balcony can be single-level or located at different heights. If the first option is assumed, it is enough just to level the threshold. The low floor on the balcony will need to be raised - a podium or ramp will need to be built there. This must be agreed in the documentation. According to engineering standards, it is prohibited to completely remove the threshold on the balcony.

Color scheme for a 17 square meter bedroom

The color scheme is selected depending on the style of the room. A beautiful bedroom design 17 sq m photo can be achieved using different color schemes.

The only thing that can be noted is that you do not need to use exclusively dark colors.

For example, Provence, Scandinavian, and Mediterranean are characterized by light colors, while art deco, hi-tech, and classics are characterized by dark or neutral colors.

The beds in such a bedroom can be safely given the most important place - in the center.

In an area of ​​17 square meters, it is not necessary to stick to a light color scheme; here you can allow brighter tones and bold shades.

In the modern world there are a lot of style trends, and everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

The most fashionable combination today is white with azure, blue, gray, beige, brown and other shades. Use white tones in interior decoration and brighter colors as accent colors for a trendy, modern interior.

Even if you are an extremely sensitive and scrupulous person in choosing a style, you will certainly be able to choose a decent option that suits you.


Not the largest bedroom of 15 square meters can be visually enlarged. To do this, there must be stripes on the walls of the room. Vertical ones make the room taller, and horizontal ones make the room wider.

If the room has a rectangular shape, various options for correcting asymmetry are often used to decorate the walls. Using light colors for long walls and black for short ones will significantly balance the geometry of the room.

The wall located at the head of the bed is a very important part of the 15 sq.m. bedroom design. Decorative plaster is often used for finishing

There are photo wallpapers on it or plasterboard arches are built.

Design of a bright bedroom room 17 sq. m in Provence style: an atmosphere of gentle comfort

Provence does not lose its relevance, and today bedrooms, kitchens and even living rooms are still furnished in this style.

Provence - the predominance of lightness and simplicity of village life.

To decorate a bedroom in Provence style, you need to pay attention to the following characteristic features of the direction:

  1. pastel colors: pink, blue, lilac, lemon, cream, beige.
  2. abundance of textiles in small prints;
  3. curtains on the windows;
  4. aged or antique elegant furniture;
  5. canopy on the bed;
  6. fresh flowers as decoration;
  7. dressing table and mirror in a carved oval frame;
  8. materials: wood, glass, crystal;
  9. decorative pillows, vases, figurines, paintings on a pastoral theme;
  10. light wood furniture.

Light colors will not let you feel sad, and stripes and flowers on the wallpaper will please the eye.

Important! Decorate the bed with textiles: blankets, bedspreads, pillows, ruffles, frills, woven lace are allowed.

Palace interior in a classic bedroom 17 sq.m. m.

On a large area it is easy to arrange a classic, even pompous interior. First of all, it is important to find wallpaper with luxurious patterns in dark, rich colors, buy a crystal chandelier, and most importantly, buy a large bed with wooden legs and a canopy.

Extravagance and ostentatious pretentiousness make this style a favorite of many.

The interior should contain the following materials: wood, forged metal, gilding, crystal, colored glass, velvet, brocade, satin and other expensive and complex materials. A fireplace or dressing room would also be appropriate in the interior to add chic to the room.

For bedrooms, styles that are not “flashy” are more suitable, allowing you to be alone with yourself, rest and relax.

These elements also include:

  • Having a large window, and therefore a large flow of natural light, will help you relax faster and get rid of all negative emotions
  • If you dream that your bedroom will be endless, then install mirrors so that they look at each other
  • The presence of light shades in the interior may give you the feeling that there is more air in it.

Read here: Burgundy bedroom - 55 photos of the best ideas for decorating a burgundy bedroom

The bedroom is the most personal room of every person, which is why it is so important to create the very interior that could fully reflect the personality of its owner.

Subtleties of arranging a bedroom of 17 square meters. m

On a large area, you can allow any bold project: combining a room with a balcony or living room, installing a fireplace, organizing a dressing room, a lounge area and much more.

You can pay attention to the style of “calm” projects.

When decorating and arranging it, it is important to remember not only functionality, but also aesthetics. Today, most designers are abandoning the idea of ​​placing furniture around the perimeter of the room. To make your interior look modern, you should follow the advice of experts. Place the bed in the middle of the room parallel to the window and start from it when arranging a closet, chest of drawers, dressing table, armchairs or floor mirror.

If the bedroom is intended for an established married couple, as a rule, these rooms are quite conservative.

Important! Don't use a lot of furniture in modern interiors. Today laconicism and minimalism are in fashion.

Advantages of combining a bedroom and a balcony

The main advantage is the expansion of the bedroom area, where more furniture can be placed. In one-, two-room and small-sized apartments, a bedroom with access to a balcony gains additional meters in this way.

  1. The apartment will become more comfortable, and when selling it, you can put a favorable price on it.
  2. The balcony partition will not interfere with the penetration of daylight.
  3. The owners will show their ability in interior design, since the design of the room will be original - not everyone has such a combination.

Rectangular bedroom 17 sq m with wardrobe

The wardrobe will fit perfectly into a large, elongated bedroom. A dressing room is usually located in a free corner of the room or along one of the walls. You can also organize a kind of niche next to the window, but then you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be less light in the room.

For the bedroom, it would be the best option to distinguish between a sleeping area and a relaxation area or dressing room.

If there is a blank short wall in a rectangular room, then this is where it is recommended to arrange a dressing room. So the space near the window will be occupied by a bed, and a wardrobe with a mirror will replace the space in the dressing room.

The decor can be a variety of objects.

A 17 sq. m bedroom is an excellent option for the most unexpected design. Choose the best option for your space and arm yourself with expert advice to create a unique interior design in your apartment.

The issue of documenting redevelopment

You cannot remodel the premises yourself without permission from the relevant authorities. The modification is carried out in two ways:

  1. Dismantling the door and window (balcony block).
  2. Complete removal of the block and part of the load-bearing wall under the window.

Both options are redevelopment and must be approved by government agencies. Each apartment building has its own degree of structural stability and rigidity. Seams and lintels may have deformations over time, which is taken into account in the calculations. If the loggia has never been heated, but after rebuilding it becomes warm, the change in temperature will affect the deformation of parts of the house. Only a competent specialist will give an accurate answer to the question about the consequences. Balconies are adjacent to the load-bearing wall, which is the main structure of the house, so remodeling them can be dangerous.

You will first need to contact a civil engineer or architect to create a plan. The project is reviewed by BTI specialists, after which a technical passport and other documents are issued, if the reconstruction is permissible.

The set of standard documents includes:

  1. Application for reconstruction of the balcony.
  2. Documents confirming the ownership of the apartment.
  3. The act of agreeing on the dismantling of the main wall with family members and residents of the house.

It is necessary to carefully look at the validity period of the documents, since some of them are valid only for a few days, so that later you do not have to re-issue them.

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