Apartment redevelopment: dividing a room into two

How to divide a room into zones without additional walls? We know several methods that successfully cope with this task without depriving the enclosed space of natural light, which is so important. The issue of zoning is relevant both for small apartments and for large rooms that serve as a living room, kitchen and bedroom - depending on the layout and desires of the owners. Movable partitions that can be moved and moved give residents the opportunity to change the interior at any time. Let's see how you can divide the space.


A simple and practical way is to set up a large stand and fill it with books, vases, plants and other necessary things that are always looking for a place in your home. The stand can be high and go straight to the ceiling.

The bedroom is separated from the rest of the space by a bookcase with a conventional entrance. This solution is suitable if there are no children in the house: after all, the parent's bedroom should be fenced off if possible.

Another example with a ceiling hanger, but only halfway. This method visually divides the room, but leaves the impression of a single space. And the light always penetrates a lot.

Also, the stand can be low, only conditionally dividing the space. This piece of furniture can be conveniently transferred to the wall, restoring the integrity of the room if necessary.


Curtains, as a rule, divide the bedroom space in one-room apartments. This method is not suitable for all interior styles. The most harmonious are the Scandinavian and ecological styles, as well as eclecticism. He does not accept minimalism, art deco, classics.

In a Swedish studio apartment of 46 m2 in Gothenburg, the bedroom is also separated by curtains.

Bar counter

This type of partition is very popular when separating the kitchen from the living room. With this bar, you can safely watch TV, preferring the sofa.

Designer Elena Ostapova placed a partition that serves as a TV stand on one side and a bar counter on the other.

The look is classic and popular. Partitions are now offered in a wide variety: sliding, textured, transparent, and on wheels. A decent section can be chosen in any style. The only negative is that it is not so easy to disassemble if it is tired.

Sliding partitions are a great invention that saves valuable meters. He wanted - he created an additional room, he wanted - he removed all the obstacles. Sliding partitions, as you can see in the picture, fold like a fan and have single or double rails. Partitions on rails are, of course, more durable and stable, and also provide better heat and sound insulation. Sound insulation is especially important when there are children in the house. An interesting type of partition is glass: it visually enlarges the space, leaving it open and bright, although it also has the function of sound and heat insulation. Don't be afraid of such partitions. A situation where you encounter this and it breaks into millions of fragments is almost impossible. Such walls are made of special tempered impact-resistant glass, the thickness of which can reach two centimeters. In any case, such separation is not a good idea if there are small children in the house who may not notice and suffer. However, if you decide to do this, you can consider frosted glass or make only the top part of the partition transparent. The downside is the inability to hang a picture (although we know how to do it without nails!)

Screens Screens
, as a piece of furniture, appeared a long time ago. They were invented in the east and were actively used there, and the fashion did not reach Europe until the seventeenth century. Screens in the bedrooms served as partitions for changing clothes. Nowadays, mobile partitions are increasingly moving from the bedroom to the living rooms and serve not only as a practical, but also as a decorative element.

There are even screens with hooks and clothes hangers that always solve your current storage problems.

Well, we liked the mirror screen the most. This really visually expands the space.

In modern living conditions, people too often have to combine several functions in one room at the same time. For example, a bedroom can serve as a place for relaxation, study and wardrobe at the same time. That is why many people are worried about how to properly divide a room into two zones so that it is comfortable and beautiful. Figure 1. Scheme of a plasterboard partition. Numerous publications on interior design and similar television programs often talk about fashionable zoning of the room. But we often talk about large bedrooms. How to divide a room if its area does not exceed 10 m2? If you approach this problem creatively and draw a remodeling diagram, then this problem will be quite possible to solve.

Dividing a room into 2 zones

To divide a room into 2 zones, you can use the following techniques:

  • zoning using stationary partitions (for example, plasterboard);
  • use of sliding or movable partitions (screens, curtains);
  • separation of furniture;
  • visual zoning.

Before dividing a room into two zones, outline the future appearance of the room. Consider where the TV or dressing table is located. And only then choose a zoning option. Because each of the above methods has its pros and cons.

Coloring 4. Screens made of light natural fabrics perfectly transmit light and air and do not visually reduce the space.

  1. Only one small architectural element will help to visually divide the room. It can be a semi-circular, small post or a short and short partition. A two-level ceiling will look no less impressive. The main thing is that the border between the zones is clearly visible.
  2. Try organizing both zones in the same color scheme. Contrasting solutions, of course, look very stylish. But not every person can think about such an interior on their own.
  3. Connect the zones with an element that combines both styles used. This could be separate floors, the design of one of the walls, “fitted” to the design, or a large ceiling chandelier.

In any case, use neutral, calm tones for the kindergarten and adult areas. Remember that not only you live in this room, but also your child. For the same reason, you should not overload the bedroom with “childish” elements. Just a fun night light and one picture above a child's bed.

Studio zoning: everything in its place

The imagination of a specialist developing the design of a studio apartment is limited by many factors, one of which is the specific arrangement of housing elements fixed in the project.

Let us remind you that radical redevelopment is impossible without approval from the relevant departments, and some types are prohibited in principle.

That is, increasing the living space by demolishing the wall between the room and the balcony is a violation, as is the uncontrolled transfer of the “wet” area (sink, bathtub, etc.) and gas equipment (water heater, stove), and the destruction of ventilation ducts.

There are also a number of restrictions for hygienic redevelopment. There will be no punishment for violating them, but the discomfort will be noticeable. For example, creating a sleeping box (niche) using drywall - in essence, creating a micro-room where only a bed can be placed. If you don’t think through the ventilation system, the air will stagnate and sleep will be uncomfortable.

It is also not recommended to place the bed near heating appliances and windows that can open - this can lead to colds when ventilated or excessive overheating. Another rule is that a computer monitor or TV should not be directly facing the window - sun glare and street light make it difficult to see the image, which leads to eye strain.

Bedroom and office

With the help of furniture you can divide the room into two independent parts. This zoning in a room belonging to a teenager is especially important. Because this requires two separate zones: a place to relax and work. The easiest way to do this is to use a bookshelf. But you must choose it correctly. You should pay attention to lightweight structures consisting of strips or thin pipes. For example, as shown in Fig. 3

Screen pattern to divide the room. Shelving should be high. It is necessary that books do not completely clutter them, allowing access to sunlight from the window. At approximately the height of the chest of a person standing at the stand, it is wiser to place little things: a collection of figurines, sports awards, souvenirs. Heavy and bulky volume is best removed downwards. To ensure comfort in the workplace, do not just enclose your computer or desk. Otherwise, this part of the room will look like a pen. Place a chair, floor lamp or small corner sofa next to it. Take the TV out of the bedroom and set up an “office” as a place to relax and watch programs. This technique will make the room more comfortable and discipline the owner of the bedroom. Not only bookshelves are used as partitions. For this purpose, the same TV will fit under a large TV. And if the room belongs to a girl, it can be furnished with a dressing table with a large mirror. The final decor can be done using curtains.

Color scheme for a living room of 25 sq. m

In order for this room to look spacious and be bright enough with natural light from the windows, then when decorating it it is advisable to use soft and discreet colors, and delicate shades of beige, white, olive, light gray and other pastel colors with small accents such as red or blue pillows.

For a living room with windows on the shady side, it is better to choose a light color palette

Green shades will add spring freshness to the room and make the interior much more interesting.

Premises for spatial development using mobile partitions

The easiest way to divide a room into 2 zones is to use mobile partitions. They include screens and all kinds of curtains. For example, as shown in Fig. 4If you prefer to zone a room this way, follow these tips:

  1. Use lightweight, sheer fabrics. They bring light and air and do not make the room visually smaller.
  2. Don't forget to repeat the pattern on the curtain or screen in other bedroom decor details. From the same or similar fabric you can sew covers for sofas, covers for chairs, or repeat the pattern in a decorative element of the wall. But dividing curtains and window curtains made of the same material are not worth it. This solution only “overloads” the space.
  3. I prefer natural fabrics. They are easier to care for, they do not electrify and do not attract dust to each other.
  4. Make sure that the curtain can be moved to the side and the screen can be removed. Stationary partitions, even the lightest ones, sometimes get in the way.
  5. Don't use curtains in bedrooms. Knocking on them can interfere with proper rest.

But no matter how you decide to divide the room, remember that the bedroom should be comfortable. Don't get carried away with fashionable solutions, but choose a design to suit your taste. Many families face a lack of living space. After all, to buy a big house, you need a lot of money, so you have to “squat” in an apartment with two or one bedroom for several generations at the same time. In this situation, proper space management will help. This technique can be used in any part of the apartment - kindergarten, bedroom, dining room. As a result, you can get two functional rooms instead of one room. How to properly divide a room into two zones will be discussed in the material below.

Spatial development methods

In what situations is zoning most often used in apartments? There are several goals:

  1. Divide the area of ​​one room into separate segments with different functional purposes. A striking example of such zoning is the separation of the kitchen area from the dining room or living room.
  2. Create personal space zones for several family members in one room. For example, the option of dividing a children's room into two zones can be very useful. Suitable for a family with two teenagers, because children of this age really need personal space.
  3. Providing elements of spatial development (podium, sliding systems) in order to mislead the expansion of space.

In the above cases, it is not advisable to use empty walls because they only visually make the room smaller. But all kinds of partition options will be an excellent way out of this situation. They can be mobile or stationary, and also made of various materials. To divide rooms into zones, you can use:

  • textile products;
  • screens of various types;
  • sliding partitions (for example, glass);
  • podium on the floor and elements on the ceiling;
  • plasterboard partitions and false partitions.

1 - podium in the room; 2 — sliding partition; 3 - screen in the room It’s worth thinking about the last option in more detail, because this is plasterboard, which is most often used to divide space in an apartment.

Popular rooms that require zoning

Let's look at the most common combinations of functional areas in different rooms.

Living room - bedroom

It often happens that the same room serves as a living room and a bedroom at the same time. The main criterion for choosing a method for delimiting zones is the available furniture. For example, if a sofa serves as a sleeping place, then you can use a partition with an arch, multi-level floors and ceilings, as well as different colors.

If a bed is used as a sleeping place, then a more thorough delimiter will be needed:

  • Stationary partition. In this case, it is not necessary to build a plasterboard or plywood structure from one wall to another. It is enough for the place to sleep to be hidden.
  • Sliding system.
  • Cornice and curtains.

An excellent solution, although somewhat labor-intensive, is the construction of a podium. In addition to delimiting zones, this is a functional interior detail. The most common option is to equip it with drawers for storing bedding, children's toys and seasonal items. An even more original solution is an additional pull-out bed.

Adult bedroom - children's bedroom

The option of dividing the bedroom into “adult” and “children’s” parts is also not uncommon. The choice of a specific option depends on the age and gender of the children. For example, if the children are small, then you can separate one zone from another using a plasterboard structure with niches or a shelving unit. Such a partition will not look too bulky. You can place toys, books, and decor on the shelves. The advantage of this option is the preservation of personal space and the ability to control.

Affects the choice of decision and the degree of relationship between the adult and the child. For example, if a grandmother and a teenage boy are placed in the same room, it is advisable to use a closed partition made of soundproofing material.

Kitchen - living room

Separating the kitchen and living room between each other gives maximum scope for imagination. It all depends on the taste preferences of the owners. An exception to this rule is fabric screens and curtains, since textiles literally preserve food odors. One of the most successful ways of zoning is with the help of pieces of furniture.

  • The bar counter is a beautiful and stylish piece of furniture designed to perform several functions.
  • For a large room - a kitchen island.
  • Dinner table. It simultaneously serves to separate and combine the kitchen and living room.

Bedroom - office

You can highlight an office in the bedroom using a shelving unit. The latter serves not just for zoning, but also for placing business papers and office supplies. A combined option is also possible. On the bedroom side, the furniture serves as a wardrobe, a place to place a TV or a decorative fireplace. There are other ideas:

  • Using screens or curtains will allow you to avoid cluttering the space and, if necessary, combine both parts. The advantages of this method are speed of implementation and minimal costs, but the disadvantage is insufficient sound insulation.
  • You can separate the bedroom and the office using a sliding structure made of wood or glass.
  • To highlight an office in the bedroom, you can use various floor coverings. For example, carpet for a bedroom and laminate for an office. A simpler option is laminate of different colors or a small fluffy carpet in the sleeping area.
  • The color separation also looks impressive. The decoration of the home office is lighter, the sleeping area is decorated with materials several tones darker. This allows you to work productively without distractions.
  • A great idea for a small bedroom is to create a work area in the place where the bedside table usually stands. The functionality of the office area will not suffer at all, and space will be saved.
  • As for the design of both zones, it can be either the same or different. To highlight zones, you can use light and different colors (textures) of finishing materials. The work area is usually placed near a window to make the most of natural light.
  • Use of an insulated balcony as an office (if the partition is demolished).
  • Placing the office in a natural niche of the room.

Dividing a room with plasterboard

Drywall is one of the materials that is absolutely necessary in the renovation process. With its help, you can not only build and level walls, create suspended ceilings, but also create openwork partitions. All this is possible thanks to several advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • reasonable price;
  • possibility of bending and cutting;
  • the presence of a wide range of blind options (moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, supersheets), which are suitable for almost any room;
  • relative lightness and strength.

Of course, it is much easier to buy and install a wooden screen. But do not forget that if you divide the space with plasterboard, you will get almost an entire wall. He can install soundproofing, install lighting, build shelves and niches. This design can give almost any shape and finish to most available materials. With all the above arguments, we can conclude that dividing into zones with a plasterboard partition is the best way to change the lives of all family members for the better. In addition, this task can be completed with your own hands and without significant costs.

Choosing a style for a living room of 25 sq. m

For a living room of 25 sq. m in a private house looked original and stylish, then you need to design its decor and interior in one style solution, which must be chosen in advance. In this case, every meter of the room, its functionality and the tastes of the owner of this living space are taken into account.

Modern interior design style implies a minimal amount of furniture and decor

Classic style

In this style, this room will look ideal, since its implementation requires a large space, which is filled with exquisite decor and luxurious furniture. This style was adopted at the royal court and should be repeated when applied to the living room, with elements of luxury and wealth.

Classic style involves light finishes and natural materials

The classic does not like “flashy” colors; it is characterized by beige, pastel shades with the addition of gold and bronze colors.

An important element of a living room in a classic style is a real fireplace or its skillful imitation

High-tech style

This style is modern and future. When designing it there should not be smooth forms or the use of expensive materials. High-tech is a modern vision and filling space with practical and easy-to-use interior items. Metal, glass and plastic are the main materials that are the hallmark of this style.

High-tech is characterized by smooth and shiny surfaces made from the most modern materials

High-tech is usually chosen by young families who keep up with the times

Minimalism style

Minimalism does not like a variety of interior items. Lighting is very important for him, since a room in this style should be light and spacious. When choosing wallpaper, it is better to choose soft and subdued shades.

Minimalism is characterized by a simple and at the same time elegant interior

An abundance of free space, simple lines, smooth surfaces are typical signs of a minimalist interior

Other styles

If the hall is large, you can also use the following styles: loft, ethno, Scandinavian, modern and art deco. In these styles, you can apply interesting design solutions that will make the room cozy and comfortable for receiving guests and relaxing with the whole family. Soft shades of colors, restraint in the interior and stylish accessories will add interesting notes to the design of the room.

Creative individuals often choose loft-style interiors

Those who like bright rooms with little furniture can take a closer look at the Scandinavian interior

Required materials and tags

The structure will consist of two main elements - a metal frame and plasterboard sheets. For this purpose, you can use both standard material (hl) - Figure 1, and supersheet (gwl) - Figure 2.

There are several ways to crop one frame:

  • one layer;
  • two-layer;
  • Three-layer;
  • single layer lining made of super sheets;
  • two-layer lining made of super sheets;
  • Three-layer lining made of super sheets and steel sheets.

Mineral wool is usually used as a soundproofing filler. The process of dividing a room into several zones using plasterboard sheets can be considered using the example of a structure with a single-layer cladding from one frame, chap. It will consist of several stages:

  • drawing up a budget and purchasing necessary materials;
  • tags;
  • assembly of a metal frame;
  • installation of sound insulation, wires;
  • sheathing sheets;
  • finishing.

To install you need:

  • drywall;
  • CW profiles (guides);
  • UW profile (riser);
  • pins;
  • TN screws;
  • Set;
  • primer;
  • seam tape;
  • sound-absorbing material.

Don't go without tools. For installation you will need a hammer drill, screwdriver, hammer, metal scissors, measuring tool, laser level, pencil, screwdriver, knife. The process of designing a room with a blank partition begins with markers. First, determine the location of the future wall and place the axis of the partition using a tracing cord. The markers are then transferred to the walls and their position is controlled by the level.

Separation by fixed partitions

Prerequisites for the construction of a fixed interior partition: the presence of a large room with several windows and the need to have two isolated sections of space. A blank wall will create the effect of separate rooms. It is good to divide a narrow and long room in the middle in this way: 2 small rooms will have a more harmonious shape. To build such floors, they use brickwork or a metal profile frame covered with plasterboard, OSB, or plywood.

If the area being divided is small and there is only a single window, the resulting rooms will be quite cramped, and one of them will be deprived of natural light. This option is only suitable for arranging a separate office or dressing room - in these rooms you can get by with artificial lighting.

Simple spatial development technology

After selection, perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Install guide profiles on the floor and ceiling using dowels. They should be glued to improve sound insulation. Each profile must be secured with three pins (at least).
  2. The rack profiles are mounted at a distance of 0.3 to 0.6 m from each other using rivets.
  3. Plasterboard sheathing. HL is mounted vertically using TN screws. Important: the seams between the sheets must fall onto the metal profile. Otherwise, construction will not continue.
  4. Laying communications and sound insulation.
  5. Hide the other side with the sheets of chap.

Pay special attention when dividing rooms into zones using drywall; include reinforcement in the places of future doors (or other heavy elements). If the opening width exceeds 900 mm and the weight of the future door exceeds 25 kg, then additional UA profiles, wooden beams or rack profiles should be used.

After the installation is completed, a number of works remain to finish the surface of the partition. To do this, close the seams between the sheets, treat the surface with a primer and pierce. After complete drying and leveling of the surface, the most pleasant part of the repair appears - the decorative finish. At this stage, the results of painstaking work become visible, and the room begins to look lived-in. The material on how to create two or more zones in a room will be a tip for those who have problems with limited space. It would be interesting to know how to correctly create figured partitions and what is needed for this? The correct layout of the apartment offers great advantages. This statement is suitable for both large apartments and small one-room apartments or studio apartments. In large living spaces, the ergonomics of furniture and appliances are important to create a cozy and welcoming feel. Small apartments, where households are often forced to share space, require a competent approach, because every meter matters. How to divide a room into two - our selection of professional tips. Methods currently used to design visual extensions of apartments, including space and location:

  • Entrance door
  • opening a window or several
  • Availability of a kitchen or area reserved for catering purposes.

Separation of zones in the apartment

Modern developers often sell apartments with minimal finishing, and a one-room apartment in a new building will be quite large. Finishing options visually change the size of the room, so when choosing a partition in the form of a plasterboard wall or other type of partition, you should consider the colors of the walls, furniture, textiles and areas in which you plan to divide the room as needed. If the owner lives alone, he will need at a minimum:

  • recreation area (usually located in a fairly bright place, closest to a natural light source - a window, loggia);
  • dining room (this is either a separately equipped kitchen or a corner with household appliances and a high-quality hood to avoid cooking odors throughout the apartment);
  • Sleeping area (this place should be as far as possible from the door, often the sleeping area is located at a distant angle from the entrance and window, however, to obtain natural light in this area, a partial barrier or barrier using transparent, sparse elements is used).

For those who work and at home, you need a separate workspace. This can be organized using glass partitions with blinds (they will have important features: sound absorption and light transmission).

Furniture as a means of zoning space

Properly placed furniture around the apartment is also used for differentiation. For example, to separate the kitchen from the living room, many people prefer to install a bar counter, which acts as a separator and can be used as a table or an additional work surface.

The method of visual division of a room using sofas is often used.

Another practical way to delimit space is to install cabinets or shelving. For such a partition as in the photo, no additional fastenings are needed, and you can lay out things or arrange decorative items on the shelves.

Apartment zoning methods

To zone a room, several ways to divide the space are used:


drywall, glass, metal, wood, internal elements such as partitions, textiles.


For apartments with a large area, allowing the use of massive structures.

Zoning with textures and colors

Small apartments have carpets, wallpaper, wall paintings, decorative walls made of metal, plastic, and wooden materials.

Multi-level ceilings and podiums

A podium is a structure using a frame made of metal or wood, which allows you to raise the floor level. The height usually ranges from several tens of centimeters to a meter. They try to make the podium in small rooms as functional as possible; for this purpose, drawers or even small beds are built into it, as in the next photo.

Multi-level ceilings are usually used in situations where the use of other separation techniques is inappropriate. Various lighting systems will be an effective addition to a plasterboard suspended ceiling.

If the owner of the apartment lives alone

Everyone needs comfort, even if they live alone. A small apartment will look respectable if its zoning is done using glass partitions. What are their advantages:

  • They are environmentally friendly and safe because they are made of special tempered glass.
  • Visually expand your space with complete transparency.
  • To design any type of room (full or partial filling of the partition), options are available with MDF filling, laser engraving, paint coating or decorative stickers.
  • They are stationary and sliding (open ceiling or accordion).

A glass partition by filling or installing blinds can limit visibility, so in an apartment where there is no bathroom, you can drain waste water into the room by installing fixed partitions in it, which will save space in the room due to the lack of large walls and give it a modern look. view. ,When it comes to arranging a personal office, a relaxation area, or arranging a kitchen and living room (kitchen and dining room), many options for glass compartments create beautiful and custom solutions. Glass partitions with photo printing, designs, decorative stickers, etc. look elegant and remain reliable.

If the family lives in a small apartment

When circumstances mean that a complete family must be close together at a distance of about forty meters, the solution is to ensure that all family members are comfortable and the apartment has a modern and prestigious appearance, rather than just one. There are general rules for dividing into small apartments.

Firstly, do not use massive elements for partitions. Also suitable are options that will allow you to expand the kitchen by connecting it to the hallway by dismantling the auxiliary walls.

Secondly, priority should be given to thin openwork partitions that allow the further spread of light from the natural light source, on transparent structures or completely without them. They can be made from a variety of materials - from glass to metal, creating a completely filled wall or a partially filled structure. Thirdly, the color scheme should be light, which will help visually expand the space. Even if there are several colors in the interior, they should not contain large geometric shapes or be opposed to each other.

How to separate the living room and kitchen in a small apartment

In addition to identical printed or patterned glass partitions, sliding or fixed, the space can be divided into zones using partial partitions. If the building plans allow it (no dismantling of supporting structures!), you can partially soften the visual space by connecting the living room and kitchen by placing a countertop or cupboard on the rest of the main wall. Devices in the form of sliding partitions on tracks or sliding screens can help you change if necessary space. In addition, you can use a stable structure in the form of a plasterboard wall, inside of which an LED TV is installed on brackets, which allows you to rotate it around its axis. Thanks to this, you can watch it from the kitchen or living room or from the sleeping area.

How to separate the living room and bedroom

In addition to glass partitions, you can use furniture to decorate the space. Place a cabinet or decorative shelf with many compartments that can accommodate books, vases and various home decoration items. Textile elements can act as partitions: ropes or ropes stretched from floor to ceiling, vinyl curtains, ordinary curtains with rings or loops, screens, etc. Ordinary metal partitions made in openwork forging will make the room light and airy.

How to divide a room into 2 zones: children's and adults, if there are children in the family

In this case, a children's area should also be provided. For one child there will be a comfortable sleeping place and a playground (or office) in your room. There are many options for designing partitions based on artistic, bright animation or other children's themes. The children's area can also be limited using different textures of carpets or floor coverings. For example, choosing a rug with a long, thick pile against a laminate background or a thin monochrome rug will make the children's area noticeable and cozy.

If there are children of different sexes or children of different ages in the house

To deal with one small area to make children feel comfortable and the corner is divided into two parts, it will not work. But a full room dedicated to children is quite affordable.

We count the pros and cons

A kitchen combined with a living room is a rather bold and unusual solution. It looks very modern and stylish, and the removed wall allows you to significantly increase the space.

However, there are also disadvantages here:

  • Smells from the kitchen will penetrate into the living room;
  • The noise of kitchen appliances will disturb those relaxing in the hall;
  • The room will become much more dirty.

On the other hand, the hostess will become much closer to the family. Now all the time she spent in the kitchen, she will be able to be close to her husband and children.

A white sofa in the middle of the room will perfectly complement the interior of the living room

Wood in the interior looks very beautiful and modern

The design of the living room is made in the same style and color

See alsoTips for decorating a living room

How to divide a room with one window

If the room is narrow, you can place the beds side by side on one wall and set up a learning area for the older child closer to the window, and for the younger child away from the window. If the room is wide, you can give each child a place against the wall, set each of them up with a desk or table near the window, and place shelves in the middle of the room. In the latter case, you can use partial division, that is, without reaching the ceiling. The same method applies to any room with a sitting area and a work space or bed. Light from the window can be diffused with virtually no barriers. Due to the partial separation, the impression of separate zones is created visually, but does not add shadows.

Basics of combining zones of different functionality

The first thing that needs to be taken into account in the upcoming work is the layout and location of the room to the cardinal points, the degree of illumination, the number of windows. In the process of zoning a room into a bedroom and living room, the following rules apply:

  • the bedroom should be located far from the entrance;
  • the guideline for it is the window, which is necessary for the flow of fresh air and ensuring normal rest;
  • a recreation area is considered properly organized if it is not a walk-through area.

Advice! The bed in the recreation area is installed at some distance from the window. This will help you avoid colds and beautifully decorate window openings.

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