Choosing curtains for the hall without a lambrequin: fashionable new items

Modern design solutions allow you to create a huge variety of unique and different interiors. And every designer knows that an incorrectly designed window can ruin any, even the most beautiful, room design. When starting such a difficult task as choosing beautiful curtains without a lambrequin for the living room, be creative in the process: look at the photo, select several different options and listen to the advice of professional designers. First you need to decide what kind of curtains you would like to see in your living room.

Scarlet curtains for the living room

Vanilla curtains

Curtains with ornaments

Brocade fabrics

Brown metallic

What styles of curtains are there?

Most people choose curtains at the final stage of decorating a room or living room. However, it is better to think through this important element in advance, because the curtains should be in harmony with the rest of the decor.

There are many types of curtains, the main ones are:

  1. Classic ones are usually long, reaching to the floor, they are sewn from fabrics with bright patterns. Such curtains hide window defects well and also create the visual illusion of a higher ceiling;
  2. English ones are a combination with a flat top and a gathered bottom edge, which forms a drapery. Used in classic interiors;
  3. French - a previously common model of curtains, consisting of symmetrical folds along the entire length;
  4. Roman ones are made from a single, even piece of fabric fixed to rigid elements. Move using a cord;
  5. Rolled ones are similar to Roman ones, only they are rolled into a roll.

The choice of window decoration type depends on the interior design. You can see photos of all these options in the article.

Classics in the interior Living room interior in English style

French style window decoration

Roman curtains

Window decoration with fabric in rolls

Popular combinations

“The photo shows that an interesting solution for the hall would be a combination of matte tulle curtains with a two-color lambrequin - with the condition that one of the colors will duplicate the color of the base”

Windows covered with ordinary curtains or drapes look very simple. It is easy to give them airiness and style with the help of lambrequins and tulle of the appropriate color shade - now this material is produced in any color, from milky white to bright, acidic and the most unexpected colors. Light colors are usually used as a background.

Light airy curtains for the living room with lambrequins

Combinations of curtains and lambrequins can be very diverse. For example, a velvet lambrequin and an air curtain right down to the floor. To create romance, you can use woven lace sewn in several layers. You can combine colored tulle and lambrequins with a similar pattern.

The photo shows that an interesting solution for the hall would be a combination of matte tulle curtains with a two-color lambrequin - with the condition that one of the colors will duplicate the color of the base. The pattern of the folds is a frill with swags. Short tulle, long curtains and a lambrequin would look very good. It is quite possible to use bamboo curtains.

Matte tulle curtains with two-tone lambrequin

Where can such curtains be used?

A lambrequin is a fabric drapery covering the entire width of the window that covers the upper part of the curtains. Most modern designers are unanimous in the opinion that curtains with a lambrequin look good in large rooms with very high ceilings, decorated in elaborate classical variations.

If you need to choose curtains for a small room with low ceilings and not very bright light, then curtains without a lambrequin will be the best option.

When choosing curtains for the living room, it is worth considering that many people will gather in this room, so its interior should be unobtrusive, as can be seen in the presented photos of the interiors. Curtains without lambrequins in the living room will favorably emphasize sources of natural light, without oversaturating the room with unnecessary decorative elements.

Curtains without a lambrequin are perfect for a living room, the interior of which is made in a modern minimalist style. With their help, you can decorate the window in an interesting way, making the room soft and cozy. Decor with a lambrequin in this case will not be combined with the overall design idea, especially if the room is small.

Cream curtains

English classics A combination of classic and Roman blinds Tulle and drapes in shades of purple White and blue set

Types of curtains without lambrequin

Designers claim that general fashion trends will continue in the upcoming season:

  1. in the kitchen there are current short curtains of all modifications;
  2. in residential premises - multi-layer variations of modern fabrics, including those without lambrequins.

Much attention is paid to the method of fastening and the combination of a simple style with a variety of fabrics of the same color but different textures.

With eyelets

Simple curtains on grommets or metal rings that easily slide along the cornice are very practical and completely self-sufficient.

The upper part of the window decor looks good without a lambrequin. A successful fastening method forms uniform wave folds.

Roman curtains

It's not worth hanging. A popular variety where a short panel can be easily raised to any height using a simple mechanism; a lambrequin will only interfere with the rise.

Roman and similar roller blinds can be raised above the windowsill to any height. They go well with thick curtains on both sides of the balcony door.

Austrian curtains

A modern version of the curtain, reminiscent of Roman blinds, they do not need to be raised. Beautifully designed folds can be secured with ribbons; the lambrequin will be too much. This variety looks great without the coattails at the cornice.


You should not hang it with a lambrequin. Thread curtains are an attractive decor that sway from the slightest draft. They are produced in plain and colored variations. Individual threads are beautifully decorated with tiebacks, moving to the sides.

Kisey easily allows air to pass through, filtering excess sunlight. You can make them yourself from synthetic yarn and use them to update an old curtain by removing the unnecessary lambrequin.

Selecting a design

When choosing beautiful curtains for the living room, you need to think through many little details. First of all, make sure that the entire room is decorated in the same style. You should not combine the cold consistency of minimalism with the luxury and ornateness of baroque.

The color scheme plays an important role. Although a play of contrasts is sometimes quite appropriate when choosing curtains for windows, it is still important not to overdo it. We have selected many photos that will help you understand how to use color correctly.

If the furniture or other elements in the living room are made in monochromatic colors, you should not choose curtains with bright prints; it is better to use single-color fabrics; small patterns are allowed.

If the living room has a low ceiling, solutions using fabrics with horizontal stripes are well suited. They will visually make the room taller, especially if you fix the cornice not immediately above the window, but raise it right up to the ceiling. The use of curtains and draperies with a lambrequin is also undesirable if there is a low ceiling. Surely many have seen photos of similar interiors, where the ceiling seems to hang over your head.

Color solutions

Fashionable curtains without a lambrequin should be in blue-green, deep blue, purple and gray. However, no one canceled the use of typical classic color schemes. If the interior design of the hall requires the use of lighter shades, you can safely use beige, cream, white and black models. New curtain designs offered by designers include gray shiny fabrics. The choice of color depends on the color scheme of the given room. An important factor is the style of interior design.

Choosing a color

The question of color scheme is the first one that should be answered when choosing curtains. On the one hand, the curtains on the windows should be harmoniously combined in color with all other interior details: furniture, color of walls, floors, doors. On the other hand, the curtains should stand out somewhat, because if they are matched to match the surrounding environment, they will simply get lost against the general background.

If your living room windows face the sunny side, then you can choose a cool color scheme for the fabric. Gray, metallic, shades of blue and turquoise will fill the room with coolness and somewhat dim the bright light.

If, on the contrary, there is not enough light in the living room, then you can choose curtains without lambrequins in bright, saturated colors, which will add additional color to the poorly lit, and therefore dim, living room. It is important not to overdo it, because too bright colors can quickly become boring, thereby causing irritation to the inhabitants of the house.

Classically, the most successful colors for curtains are pastel shades: beige, brown and silver. But often there are more daring design solutions (examples in the photo).

Green curtains on a narrow window

Sheer curtains

Bright curtains

Classic curtains in the interior

Heavy curtains and light tulle


Curtains on grommets - double metal, plastic or wooden rings that are strung on round or string cornices - have been in no hurry to leave the design projects of modern halls and living rooms for several years in a row.

At the same time being a tool for attaching curtains and a fashionable curtain decoration, eyelets carry not only a functional, but also a decorative load.

Curtains with eyelets are original in themselves, so most often they are made plain and do not burden their design with additional decor.

It is only allowed to fix such curtains, if necessary, with simple tiebacks made of the same fabric as the curtains themselves.

They can be made more decorative by using an original cornice.

It can be decorated with stylish finials or choose a forged, artificially aged model with patina, rubbed gilding or convex floral or floral patterns.

If you don’t like monochromatic monotony, you can diversify the curtains on the eyelets at the top and bottom with two contrasting stripes or horizontal prints.

Spacious windows can be decorated with not two, but four canvases of contrasting colors. This combination looks very stylish and expensive.

Not only thick curtains, but also light curtains made of tulle, veil, organza, and awning are equipped with eyelets.

So that they hold well and the thin fabric does not wrinkle around the rings, the upper edge of the curtains is sealed with an additional fabric strip, eyelet tape or any other tailor's lining.

Which fabric is better

To sew curtains without lambrequins, you can use natural and synthetic fabrics, as well as their combinations. The most convenient option: combining synthetic fibers with cotton. This fabric is easy to wash and iron and is not very deformable.

If you choose window decor for the sunny side, then you need to take into account that all-natural fabrics quickly fade when exposed to direct sunlight, and therefore lose their color brightness. The choice of fabric is also influenced by the functional use of window curtains.

If they are used solely for the purpose of decorating a window opening, then light translucent fabrics can be used:

  • Organza;
  • Batiste;
  • Silk;
  • Taffeta.

If you need to close the window from prying eyes or from bright natural light, then you should choose denser fabrics (velvet, wool, linen). When making products to order, you need to look at the fabric with your own eyes, because often the photo does not convey all the nuances of the color and texture of the material.

Design of sliding doors to the balcony

Interior with classic curtains Roman curtains made of heavy opaque fabric

Vertical stripes on the central part Translucent material with floral patterns


Kisey or thread curtains seem to be created to decorate windows in conjunction with classic curtains. Despite their completely opposite textures, they have a lot in common.

Both of them drape beautifully and combine with any curtain fittings. Both types of curtains look best in lush classic interiors and spacious rooms.

The most advantageous length for both curtains and muslin is floor-length.

In tandem, drapes and muslin curtains, threads play the role of curtains and, like curtains, this season it is fashionable to hang them, contrary to tradition, not on the window, but overlaid with thicker curtains.

For decorative purposes, in this case the color of the muslin is chosen to be contrasting with the color of the curtains.

To make the window design even more interesting, muslin is draped like a lambrequin, crossed, tied in knots, secured with curtain pins or magnetic clips, creating the most incredible thread “pictures” on the curtains.

Of course, the traditional way of hanging curtains - window, muslin, curtains - has not been canceled this year either.

Due to the difference in texture: thick, smooth curtains and transparent muslin, which crumbles from any blow of wind, any color combinations are acceptable for them.

Even if you choose the same color for both types of curtains, they will not merge visually.

But if you use complex types of muslin: threads decorated with butterflies, bugles, with metal weaving, painted like a rainbow, it is better to take curtains of plain, calm, soft colors.

You can talk about the decorative possibilities of muslin and curtains for a long time, since they are inexhaustible. The most familiar and traditional combination is muslin in pastel colors and dark curtains.

The combination of black and white, gray and blue, black and silver looks very advantageous and expensive. Different shades of the same color palette look no less stylish: dark blue and light blue, burgundy and pink, dark green and light green.

The main thing is not to forget the basic rule of interior color design - the color of the curtains should be partially duplicated in the decor of the room.

Accessories for decoration

Lambrequin is not the only possible decoration for window curtains. Depending on the general concept of window decor, you can use various fittings that will complement and highlight the beauty of the curtains.

Conventionally, fittings can be divided into two types: structural fittings and decorative ones. The first type is used directly in the manufacture of curtains and plays a certain functional role (hooks, tiebacks, drapery tapes). With the help of such accessories, you can conveniently select and secure the fabric, create elegant folds that look very impressive (as can be seen from the photo).

Decorative accessories are not functionally required and serve only as decoration for the finished product (beads, pom-poms, tassels, fringe, etc.). With the help of such details, you can significantly enliven even the simplest curtains, giving them a festive and elegant look, which can be seen in our photos.

It is necessary to choose one or another fitting for each specific type of window textile in order to avoid inconsistencies in styles and design. There are many examples that well-chosen fittings will create a complete look for curtains without lambrequins (as shown in the photo).

Photos in the interior

Lambrequins were invented to disguise the attachment of fabric to wooden baguettes. They are not necessary when the space between the ceiling and the window opening is filled.

Multi-level ceilings are very popular. You should not overload the upper plane with textiles. A lightweight string cornice is hidden behind the lower level of the gypsum plasterboard ceiling, then a lambrequin is not needed.

Interior textiles with a complex cut are going out of fashion. It is being replaced by lightness and minimalism, without a lambrequin, multiple interceptions with masonry, as in the photo.

Mounting methods

The absence of bulky elements opens up wide possibilities for using various methods of attaching curtains to the cornice. Even in such a seemingly insignificant issue, you can show taste and a non-standard approach. Beautiful fastenings for curtains without lambrequins can be as follows:

  • Ties: Bows or knots that are tied directly around the curtain rod. This type of fastening is best suited for light, airy fabrics for bright and sunny living rooms;
  • Loops: Unlike the previous option, the fasteners form a loop that does not need to be tied every time. It is either stitched to the curtain or fastened with Velcro tape;
  • Eyelets are round holes at the top of the curtain through which the curtain rod is threaded. Using eyelets allows you to create even and uniform folds across the entire width of the fabric. Most often used for dense and heavy materials;
  • Rings are a classic option for attaching straight curtains; they are attached to the top edge of the product and strung on the cornice. This option is very versatile and suitable for any fabric;
  • The braid is sewn to the top edge of the curtain; inside there are special cords that, when pulled together, beautifully drape the fabric. They allow you to create very small and weightless folds, which makes the curtains light and airy. This mounting option is ideal for light and thin materials.

Ring curtains

Eyelet fastening

Small drapery on the drawstring

Braid for creating uniform folds

Seven reasons for the popularity of curtains

Curtains, like no other curtains, can create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in a room.

Today they have become the most common window decoration, but were once used only for draping doorways to protect rooms from drafts.

Later, having appreciated the functionality of these thick curtains, people began to use them on windows. With the advent of a large number of other methods of window decoration, the decorative and practical importance of curtains has not decreased at all, but today they look most harmonious in halls and living rooms.

However, their main advantages remain the same:

  • Curtains perfectly protect the room from scorching sun rays, drafts and curious looks and sounds from the street.
  • Thanks to the massive (compared to other curtains) design, it is convenient to use curtains to regulate the degree of natural light in the room.
  • Thick curtains keep the room cool in hot summers and warm in cold winters and help maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.
  • The decorative properties of curtains allow them to be used in the most sophisticated and elegant as well as simple interiors and make these curtains truly universal.

Traditionally, we present classic porters on one window along with an equally classic lambrequin, which visually expands the window.

But the times of heavy and lush draperies that came from palace-style living rooms are a thing of the past.

Today, designers practice visually increasing the width of the window through the use of an elongated cornice and a large amount of fabric on the curtains, and are increasingly offering combinations of curtains in which any lambrequin would be superfluous.

Let's look at them in more detail.

When additional decor is not needed

Despite the fact that the choice of curtains is always a purely individual matter, it is possible to identify general patterns in the use of certain types of curtains in certain interiors. Let's look at what styles curtains without lambrequins are best combined with:

  1. Constructivism is a functional interior without a clutter of details; simple plain curtains, slightly lighter than the walls, will suit it.
  2. Minimalism - this interior style often uses contrasting curtains that will stand out against the general background. Unobtrusive patterns on curtains are allowed, the fabric for which should be light and transparent.
  3. Pop art - this modern type of interior design involves highlighting either color or shapes. For a living room in this design, smooth and simple, but catchy curtains are well suited, which will look like a bright spot against the general background.
  4. High-tech is a complex modern interior; usually the curtains in it are an extension of the wall. The choice of texture and color of the material depends on the color of the walls, but it is preferable that the color of the fabric be darker than the background.

Basic approaches to choosing curtains without a lambrequin

Lambrequins are a good addition to multi-layer curtains that hide all fastening flaws. But they make the window decor heavier; this is additional weight - a light rod becomes deformed over time.

For a hall with a balcony door that is often opened, a lambrequin creates difficulties. It is better to choose two light curtains that can be easily moved apart.

You should not hang double curtains with complex decor if an insulated loggia or balcony is attached to the room. It is better to limit yourself to simple curtains made of transparent fabric.

Curtains for a small living room

If you have limited square footage, you shouldn’t resort to voluminous patterns and horizontal stripes. If photo curtains are hung, then they should have a deep perspective, going into the distance with the image of a forest path, alley, or open window.

It is advisable to cover the entire wall with wide styles; if this is not possible, the color of the curtains should match the wall decoration without contrast.

To extend a low room, the cornice device is mounted close to the ceiling surface. Bulky pompous drapery waves are completely inappropriate. Straight, lightweight fabrics and thin vertical stripes can visually increase the height.

How to sew curtains for the living room yourself: tips

Designers believe that curtains are a powerful tool for decorating a room. Curtains create a favorable atmosphere; with their help you can visually change the size of the room and its shape. When decorating a window opening, the design of curtains plays an important role.

Having decided to sew curtains yourself, you need to decide on the type of fabric, its texture and color and the model of the curtains.

You can start sewing only after carefully preparing the fabric, creating sketches and creating patterns. The type of fabric should be chosen, paying attention to the shape of the living room, its level of illumination and the general style of the interior. If the room is small, then the curtain fabric should be light and transparent.

What other methods of decorating curtains exist? Our next article is about this:

Tips for sewing curtains:

  • If you are sewing double curtains, you need to make sure that the fabric is prepared with a margin. When cutting fabric with a pattern, you should pay attention to its joining.
  • At the initial stage of sewing, the fabric must be wetted, allowed to dry and ironed.

Sewing curtains is very easy. You need to prepare two canvases, hem their sides, then the bottom and top. Braid is sewn on top of the curtains. Pictures of patterns and finished curtains can be found on the Internet.

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