Kitchen design 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 sq m with a balcony

Combining functional spaces in one room is a rather difficult task when it comes to a small area. But this is exactly what the owners of a small-sized apartment, such as a Khrushchev apartment, have to solve. A modest kitchen here is often combined with a balcony or, more effectively, with a living room. However, combine for 10 sq. m two rooms will also be necessary for owners of apartments where there are not enough rooms for all family members. Then the kitchen and living room can be placed in the space allocated for the first.

Regardless of the reasons, you need to combine rooms thoughtfully, especially on a limited area of ​​10 square meters. m area.

To do this you need to define:

  • Which zone plays the main role?
  • How often does your family cook and how much?
  • Will the living room be used as a sleeping area?
  • Do you need a full dining room?

These are the main questions that will help develop the layout of a combined room, its functionality, and equipment. Design of a kitchen-living room for 10 sq. m should be subordinated to the interests and needs of the family.

About current style

It is impossible to single out popular styles in kitchen design. The owners of the apartment are guided by their wishes.

Possible styles for the kitchen interior:

  • Provence - came to Russia from France, has the characteristic difference of home warmth and comfort. “Prefers” light shades in soothing tones, light curtains, and “has” porcelain and pottery, panels in the decor. The kitchen set and other furniture are made only of natural wood. Small amounts of stone, metal and glass can be incorporated into the design. Recommended for implementation on a large area - the design of a 13 square meter kitchen with a balcony or a connected living room will look more elegant than a small room.
  • Classic – recommended for the practical person. Can be used for implementation in all areas. Classic requires the installation of a kitchen set made of natural materials, light in color or dark, but with a light, bright contrast. It is advisable to use shades of sand or brown/dark brown. But you can move away from the presented combinations to please your eyes with bright colors - white, yellow, pink are recommended. All bright shades should be restrained and soft.
  • Country is a rustic style that requires attention to every detail. It is difficult to implement it, especially if the area is small. Requires installation of natural furniture and painting of walls in a single color. Various panels, paintings, homemade dishes, wooden spoons or wicker baskets are added.

  • Modern is a modern style, so it is suitable for those who prefer to follow fashion. A kitchen set made of treated fabric with glossy or matte fronts with natural wood colors is installed here. Decorations are kept to a minimum - mostly practical items for constant use.
  • High-tech is a slightly overplayed modernity, when fashionable moments turn into unusual ones. Furniture is selected in accordance with “norms and standards” - only right angles, plain color, no additional decor or carvings. And the kitchen interior is complemented by unusual designs - a metal chandelier, a large number of small lamps, a lamp in the form of several lamps hanging from the ceiling, and so on. In other words, modern high technologies are welcome.
  • Minimalism is about the minimal. The furniture does not contain additional attributes, even the doors of the kitchen unit without handles (they operate from an automatic closer). There is nothing superfluous. Decorations are based on the color combination of the facades of the set with the apron, countertop or walls of the room.
  • Art Deco - combines Art Nouveau and Neoclassicism styles. Regular forms with the addition of precious stones and other natural paraphernalia are welcome. In the art deco style, only natural materials, modern technology, bright and well-cleaned dishes. Complex automatic designs for convenience are encouraged.
  • Ethnic is the embodiment of the style of a particular country. Popular ones include Scandinavian, Italian, Japanese and English. The interior features directly depend on the country chosen for implementation.
  • Eclecticism - recommended for implementation on a large area, as it involves combining a large number of decorations and combining several colors. Due to its characteristics, it would be better to arrange such an interior in a spacious room.

Each style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, they look at photos of examples of the arrangement of each style in order to decide on an experiment and independently arrange the room.

Ceiling and floor finishing

A kitchen project of limited size is doomed to failure if modern ideas are not applied to the design. This is especially true for the choice of materials and patterns for finishing. One wrong step and a small room will visually narrow and fragment.

Place in a kitchen with 10 sq. m large tiles on the floor are not recommended. For such rooms it is better to choose a medium or minimum tile size. Attention is also paid to the material itself. It must resist moisture and be easy to clean.

Suitable options are linoleum, vinyl, laminate with special impregnation, tiles. Natural wood is beautiful, but tends to deform. The solid wood board looks great.

Glossy white, cream, and beige tiles on the floor will help expand a small kitchen. It can also be combined with a dark one, creating a rectangular or square pattern.

It is better to leave the ceiling white and use paint or wallpaper to decorate it. If you want modern solutions, you should take a closer look at hanging, tensioned fabrics, and plastic panels. The last option is the cheapest and easiest to install.

To visually expand the kitchen, you can use glossy surfaces on the ceiling.

About style for small spaces

A small area also has the right to a unique and modern design. But they approach its implementation thoroughly, since it is impossible to pile up a small area with a large number of decorations, but you want to decorate the room with country and other similar styles. Regardless of the chosen style, it is better to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. The space should be expanded visually. Therefore, they refuse dark colors and give preference to light pastel colors. It is better to choose white color - it will perfectly increase visually the 5-6 meters that are found in the old “Stalin” and “Khrushchev” buildings. A white kitchen set is not practical, so it is better to make the walls and ceiling white, and the floor light gray or sand. A little sunshine in a white kitchen will be brought in by bright textile items - towels, napkins, curtains.
  2. Using the space above the window. It is recommended to extend the tabletop up to and including the window sill, and place a shelf or a whole cabinet above the window.
  3. Transparent furniture. The kitchen set may have several glazed facades. These are necessarily upper cabinets with dishes or jars of spices.
  4. Dining area on the windowsill. If your family is small, you can reduce the amount of furniture by making a dining area out of the window sill. It will turn out to be something like a cafe, but cozy. The view from the window will add an atmosphere of tranquility.
  5. Use of transformable furniture. Here, in most cases, only the dining table is considered. It is made in the form of a standard tabletop on a leg. One side is attached to the wall with hinges. It turns out that if necessary, the dining area raises the “shelf” and places it on a leg. During the rest of the time, the table is folded and does not take up any space at all.
  6. Combination with a loggia. If there is an exit, the room can be expanded by combining. You don't have to remove the wall under the window sill. Instead of a window sill, it is enough to install a tabletop and use it to store products - baked goods and vases with sweets and jam. A refrigerator is often placed on the loggia, which significantly saves space. If the area of ​​the loggia allows, or it has a square shape, you can make a dining area. Sometimes a work area is decorated under the window frames of the loggia.

The combination is appropriate if you are designing a kitchen of 8 square meters. m. with a balcony and a smaller space. In other cases, this will be unnecessary.

Color solutions

With an area of ​​10 m2, it is necessary to use light colors to visually expand the space. Bright and dark colors are used only as “blobs” and accent elements.

If the windows face north, it is better to use warm colors. When facing south, choose cold ones. The furniture should be darker than the walls and ceiling, as well as the floor.

Merging with the living room or balcony

Combining two rooms helps visually and actually increase the space. But when designing, they are guided by certain rules. The first and most important thing is to maintain one style. Additionally, they are guided by the designers’ recommendations in arranging furniture and choosing colors.

Combination with living room

Regardless of the style, the association must take place only in accordance with legislative acts and in compliance with safety measures. One of the mandatory criteria is a ban on the demolition of a load-bearing wall. Secondly, it is prohibited to create studios in apartment buildings equipped with gas equipment.

But here people prefer to use a glass or wooden partition on rails instead of a door. It plays the role of a wall panel in open and closed form. This is a violation, but gas service employees do not fine apartment owners.

Note! Planning plays an important role in matters of unification. Load-bearing walls cannot be demolished, so to combine them you must obtain permission from the BTI. Combining with a balcony is possible without demolishing the wall, but if you can put a refrigerator on the loggia, if you have a balcony, it is better to abandon the idea.

As for stylistic features, there are:

  1. The kitchen “stands” in an open space, so it should always be clean and uncluttered. It is recommended to abandon numerous decorations, roof rails on the facade and other additional elements. Minimalism, hi-tech, classics are welcome.
  2. The colors must match. It is important to choose the “base”, “companion” and “highlights”. The “base” can contain both light and dark shades. “Companion” is recommended to take a contrasting “base” or lighter/darker. For example, the “base” is a brown shade, the “companion” is light beige. “Bright spots” are textile additions or small objects (photo frames, figurines or crafts).
  3. Separation from the living room. This is color zoning or spatial zoning. Color zoning occurs with wallpaper that is distinctive in shade - they should be in harmony, but be different. For example, the kitchen has bright purple walls, and the living room has soft pink walls. You can choose spatial zoning - the situation on the podium is excellent. It's beautiful, fashionable and comfortable. In such cases, the design of a 9 m2 kitchen with or without a balcony looks modern. You can decorate larger rooms.

The division of zones occurs by placing a dining table, bar counter or sofa between the rooms. Some styles even provide for the installation of a small transparent shelving unit - with shelves, but without a back wall.

Combination with a balcony

It is better to connect it not with a balcony, but with a loggia - it gives more opportunities. The balcony will not withstand a heavy load, so such reconstructions require the mandatory consent of BTI employees. Otherwise, they adhere to personal wishes.

The balcony will act as:

  1. Dining area . Suitable for square areas or for loggias with great depth.
  2. Work place . A tabletop is installed around the perimeter, which is used for storing equipment, some products and for cutting vegetables.
  3. Equipment placement . It is better to install all kitchen appliances on the loggia - refrigerator, microwave oven, food processors and kettle. To do this, it is enough to place a tabletop around the perimeter under the window and make additional sockets.
  4. Placement of kitchen units . This is only possible on a loggia, since the balcony will not support the weight of the furniture. With the right approach, all the furniture and appliances are placed - stove, refrigerator, etc. A recreation area is created in a free room if there are not enough rooms. Kitchen design 14 sq. m. with access to the balcony in this case will help organize a living room in the room.

When combined, the colors of walls, floors and furniture are selected in accordance with wishes. If you are making separate zones, you can choose distinctive shades, but stick to a single design. If the balcony becomes a continuation, it is recommended to maintain the same style and similar color.

Layout of kitchen-living room 10 sq. m

Planning space in such a limited area obeys the simple laws of conciseness, functionality, and ergonomics. In such a room there are at least two zones - the kitchen and the living room itself, but a dining room can be included. Although there is very little space left for it, which is why a bar counter is often used instead of a dining group, a peninsula is a laconic alternative to a dining room, which at the same time serves as a zoning tool.

The layout of the kitchen and living room depends on the shape of the room and the location of the windows.

  • When combining initially separated rooms, a specific working area is allocated for the kitchen with communications connected, which determine its approximate location . At least 3-4 square meters have already been allocated for it. Zoning can be the remainder of the wall (top or bottom - instead of a bar counter), an expanded opening between rooms, or a turn in the corridor. Then the kitchen space is a “corner”, often hidden from view from the living room. In fact, in such a room, each zone is in its place, only there are no walls between them. This is exactly what the combined space in Khrushchev looks like.

In the photo there is a kitchen and a living room in a single space of 10 square meters. m.

  • In a rectangular elongated room, the seating area is often located under the window at the end . The kitchen occupies a darker part of the room, where additional light is needed in any case. The kitchen set can be parallel or corner. This part will be organically separated by a small bar counter, which will take up less space than a regular table with chairs or even stools.

  • Standard rectangular room up to 10 sq. m and a little more - 3 by 4 meters - allows you to arrange a fairly comfortable living room with a sofa, a small dining area, and full-fledged furniture in the kitchen . A corner or linear set is suitable if the door does not interfere with its installation. The dining group can be organized opposite the corner work area or in the form of a peninsula that completes the kitchen furniture and divides the room into two functional zones. The place for eating will be small - proportional to the rest of the room.
  • In a square room, of course, there will not be 10 meters - it could be a room 3 by 3 or 4 by 4 meters . 9 square meters is quite small for a full-fledged living room combined with a kitchen, but 16 is already a full-fledged studio, so you can choose any design here. The only rule that designers often resort to in a space that is properly shaped is symmetry. It makes it easier to organize several functional areas. For example, you might prefer diagonal symmetry. Then the kitchen is located in one corner (accordingly, with a corner set), and the living room is in the opposite.

The photo shows the design of a living room of about 10 square meters. m in a square room with diagonal symmetry.

  • Parallel planning is appropriate in a room of any shape where there are several windows . In this case, there are usually three zones - kitchen, living room and dining room. They are located one after another - a working set under a blank wall, then an island or a bar counter, then a relaxation area with a sofa that separates the living room with a backrest. As a rule, it turns out that at least two sections of the room will have a window. The dining room in this case will be used as a zoning tool.

The photo shows a parallel layout of the kitchen with a living room and a sofa.
Often, the layout is determined only by the shape of the room and the communication supply, when it is simply impossible to arrange the suite and lounge furniture otherwise. You can choose only if you have the correct shape of the room - 3 by 4 (or 4 by 3), 4 by 4 m.

It is interesting to place functional areas in a room with a bay window. In such a ledge you can place a dining group. If space allows, sometimes the bay window is filled with kitchen furniture without top drawers. This option is harmonious in a private house, where you can carry out communications, supply water, gas, electricity and drain sewerage at your own discretion, without being tied to the risers of a multi-storey building. A living room in a bay window is unlikely to be comfortable, but a relaxation area in the form of a sofa or ottoman of the appropriate shape can be organized in addition to the main layout.

The photo shows the design of a living room combined with a kitchen on ten square meters. m.

The organization of space may be affected by the need to equip the living room with a folding sofa in order to obtain guest sleeping places. To do this, you need to leave free space in front of it. But how much depends on the transformation mechanism.

Kitchen set design depending on area

The kitchen set directly depends on the area of ​​the room and its shape. This means that the furniture content will be minimal or maximum in a small or large space, respectively. But if you approach the design process wisely, you can build roomy and functional furniture with limited space.

This issue takes into account:

  1. Area 5-6 m2. These are very small rooms, where it is recommended to consider the possibility of expansion through a balcony or living room. But in the absence of this, it is better to opt for an L-shaped kitchen, but with the use of a window sill. Today, owners of small spaces have learned to remove the usual “Khrushchev” refrigerator and put in its place a full-fledged cabinet or sink.
  2. Area 8-10 sq. m. These kitchens are considered medium in size, where it is also recommended to install L-shaped sets, with the refrigerator placed near the window or front door. You can also choose a linear model, which will increase the dining area and add space to the room.
  3. Area from 12 sq. m. These rooms are considered large, so here you can give free rein to your imagination and install both a straight set and an L-shaped one. In some rooms, U-shaped models fit perfectly if a window opening and a window sill are used.

Large areas of kitchens do not need to be combined with a balcony, so it is better not to touch them, but to use them for their intended purpose. In such rooms, islands are perfectly built in and serve as a work area.

Note! Small kitchen areas have the advantage of a regular square shape. Large spaces are often rectangular, so linear models are chosen here. They are practical, but will visually expand the area and create more space for storing dishes. L-shaped sets.

Choosing furniture and appliances for the kitchen

The basic principles when choosing furniture for a 10 m2 kitchen are simple.

Focus on:

  • strength;
  • practicality;
  • easy care;
  • resistance to temperature and humidity, caustic cleaning compounds.

The equipment must meet safety requirements and be multifunctional. The design of the equipment is selected to match the overall style of the kitchen. It’s better to first look at the photos of the catalogues, so it will be easier to make a choice.

Design features depending on area

Clarity should be given to each option depending on the area. Not all kitchens should be combined with a balcony, since often spacious areas accommodate enough furniture for comfortable use of the room. Using a balcony in this case will not only be superfluous, but also non-functional.

Design 5-6 sq. m. with and without balcony door

Often these are old houses that either do not have balconies at all, or do not have them in the kitchen. Therefore, it is recommended to use the window sill as a work area, which significantly saves the already small space.

It sounds surprising, but it is better to put a round dining table and stools or full chairs with backs. Such a dining area will take up more space, but with a small area, family members will not have to bump into corners.

Considering the design, a small area should be soft in color or, conversely, contrasting, but it is better to use white. The second shade can be anything - bright colored or black, some dark.

Design 7-8 sq. meters ideas for a kitchen with and without a balcony

A kitchen of 7-8 square meters is often presented in the shape of a square, where an L-shaped kitchen set is installed. If you don’t have a lot of dishes, choose the linear option. If the room is rectangular, it is better to choose a rectangular table and place it on the opposite side of the set.

As for color solutions, here you can move away from choosing white. It is enough to combine light and dark, but in the same color scheme or in compliance with the rules for combining distinctive shades.

Kitchens 7-8 sq. m. often have access to a balcony, so combining here is appropriate and useful. The window opening is later turned into a bar counter, behind which the meal takes place. It is enough to place some kitchen appliances and utensils on the balcony to increase the free space. The finishing of the two combined zones occurs as a single whole.

Square room layout

In such a room you can harmoniously place the most necessary furniture, no matter how varied it may be. The most important thing when designing such a layout is to adhere to the main principles of arranging furniture and equipment.

The closer the main zones are located, the more convenient and faster the cooking process is.

It is necessary to follow the “triangle” rule, according to which the main component of the work area (stove, refrigerator, sink) will be located quite compactly. The convenience of this method is that there is no need to move from one end of the room to the other while cooking, and everything you need is at hand.

Working triangle rule

Arrangement options can be viewed in our selection of kitchen 10 m2 layout and design photos.

Priorities in color scheme

Kitchen interior for 10 sq. meters allows you to decorate the space in literally any palette. True, there are certain restrictions: if the room faces north, you will have to choose light colors so as not to aggravate the already “cloudy” nature of the situation. In other cases, the color scheme can really be anything. And you can choose any tones and their combinations.

A harmonious solution would be:

  • Choosing the same color for the headset and the wall opposite it. Then the curtains, sofa, apron, floor - all this will be light or even white.
  • Preferring a bright tone for an apron, curtains and sofa. Then ten square meters can be painted in neutral or pastel shades.
  • A monochrome interior can be interesting if it is made in a rather bold and multifaceted style, where there are many details. When such a design is implemented in one color, even in different shades, the interior looks stylish. Several details will add dynamism - bright utensils, a vase, a painting, a photograph.

When creating a dining area with a sofa, it is important to match the color of its upholstery and other details. This is precisely the secret of a harmonious composition. As a rule, all kitchen textiles are chosen in one shade. Most often these are curtains, but sometimes they are abandoned in favor of blinds. Then you can choose one of the following options:

  • Choose a neutral sofa that will become the background.
  • The bright upholstery of the soft sleeping area will become an accent that will be emphasized by an apron or a couple of details in the work area.

When choosing any option, it is important to find a color you like and harmonious combinations for its implementation in the interior. Only then will the design be individual and flawless if it satisfies you.

Kitchen equipped with sofa

A room of ten square meters with a sofa is larger than an ordinary kitchen; it is also a bedroom, living room, and dining room. Often, having a sofa is a necessity, especially when it is used daily as a comfortable place to sleep or relax.

In a kitchen or studio apartment combined with a loggia, a sofa visually delimits the free space into separate areas. It is often also used to ergonomically fill space and create a more convenient and comfortable kitchen.

Be that as it may, equipping the interior with a folding and compact sofa is not a standard design solution.

At the same time, the choice of the piece of furniture itself requires taking into account such nuances as: capacity in disassembled/assembled form, the ratio of dimensions to the free area of ​​the room, ease of transformation, practicality and quality of upholstery, modern and stylish design.

What type of sofa is suitable for a 10 sq. m kitchen? meters?

When you plan to use a sofa in a small kitchen as an auxiliary or main seating area, it is better to choose a folding model. Ten types of transformation mechanisms are known, we will show some of them in the photo and tell you about the principle of operation.


This folding method is considered the best for a small room. It is used in the design of standard corners - the sleeping area is simply pulled out from under the seat of the elongated part of the sofa. The necessary reliability and strength is achieved by closer springs.

"Euro book"

A functional and appropriate option in a spacious and small-sized kitchen, it has many colors and types of upholstery materials, which allows it to fit naturally into any style solution.

The sofa is equipped with lower drawers for linen and a reliable folding mechanism, allowing you to get a flat place to rest. To do this, just roll out the seat, pulling it towards you, and then change the position of the backrest from vertical to horizontal.

The “Euro book” can be laid out lengthwise, forward and perpendicular to the wall. If necessary, you can purchase a corner, easily foldable design for a compact room.

"French folding bed"

The kitchen sofa has a beautiful, elegant back; during the unfolding process it remains motionless; the mattresses are laid in a folding pattern. This is an excellent solution for small spaces, because when assembled the sofa takes up a minimum of usable space.

Important! It is not recommended to install roll-out sofas in a 10 m2 kitchen - they are not equipped with the most reliable mechanism, and when unfolded they take up quite a lot of usable space.

Note that a small room can also be equipped with an ottoman or a single-bed couch - here you can sleep, relax, or sit comfortably at the dining table.

A sofa is a great alternative to chairs

Are you not interested in a kitchen space with a sleeping place, but do you need a sofa as an addition or replacement for the usual stools? Then it is appropriate to place in the room a bench made of wood , a sofa of a corner or rectilinear configuration with a box for storing utensils, which is often offered to the buyer along with the dining table.

Advice! If you are going to regularly use the drawers at the bottom of the seat, it is better to give preference to a sofa with a side lifting mechanism - the table will not interfere with opening.

If original style is of particular importance to you, rather than functionality, then the classic sofa should be replaced with an ordinary bench, which in appearance resembles a garden bench. It has no storage boxes and will look great in a rustic, classic style room.

A sofa of a non-standard shape is installed in the living room with a bay window, which is usually made to order in a professional workshop, thereby achieving its maximum compliance in shape and dimensions with the existing niche.

The most expensive option for furnishing a small kitchen is the use of ottomans and banquettes. The interior decoration is stylish, modern, not cluttered with furniture elements.

Upholstery, materials of kitchen sofa

The most practical material for making a sofa frame is natural wood: oak, larch, beech, birch. The wood is coated with a special chemical composition that protects it from moisture. The most inexpensive material is laminated particle board, which has a short service life - about six years.

Genuine leather or leatherette is often used as sofa upholstery.

Various fabrics are no less popular

  • polyester;
  • cotton;
  • flock;
  • jacquard;
  • chenille, etc.

Some recommendations:

  1. If you decide to place a sofa with fabric upholstery in the kitchen, you should install a powerful hood so that the surface of the furniture does not accumulate unpleasant odors or become greasy.
  2. It is better to put removable covers on the sofa - you will not need to worry about the integrity of the upholstery; when they get dirty, they can be easily removed and machine washed with ordinary household products.

Equal importance should be given to the choice of filler, especially when it is planned to create a place for sleeping or relaxing in the kitchen. It should be durable, practical, anti-allergenic.

Currently, artificial materials such as polyurethane foam or holofiber are especially popular. Cheap foam rubber is practically not used, since its service life does not exceed four years.

Where is the best place to install a sofa?

You can choose the following kitchen design with a sofa:

  • the eating area is located opposite the furniture set;
  • a corner sofa in the living room with a bay window is installed near the window or near the opposite wall;
  • the sofa is located in the dining area, and the area of ​​the room is expanded due to the adjacent loggia;
  • a combined kitchen or spacious studio is visually divided into areas for eating and preparing food using a compact sofa.

Choosing a style

Minimalism, loft, Scandinavian style - for creative young people, and Provence, country - for lovers of a rustic and natural atmosphere remain relevant in the new season.

A minimalist style set has virtually no fittings. Many models have a push-up opening mechanism.

The Scandinavian style interior brings lightness and simplicity. The light range is diluted with pleasant natural colors - brown, green, blue. This style has been at the peak of popularity for the second season, as it does not require large financial costs to perform.

The classic style will never lose its position due to its versatility. A kitchen with light furniture in a classic style will never get boring and will always speak of the excellent taste of its owners.

Features of the sofa in the kitchen

A space of 10 square meters is considered spacious. Homeowners can use it rationally, creating not only seating, but also a backup sleeping area. Upholstered furniture creates an atmosphere of comfort. A kitchen with a sofa is a great place to receive guests.

Zoning will make the interior more comfortable and visually ordered.

Types of kitchen sofas

Furniture manufacturers offer options of various designs, dimensions, and functionality. The model range includes several types of sofas with varying degrees of comfort:

  • Direct is as simple and convenient as possible; it is a universal option for square rooms. On the other side of the table there are chairs.
  • A corner one in the shape of the letter “L” will ideally fit in kitchens with complex geometry, when there are niches, stepped projections, dead zones, ventilation ducts, and support columns. With such a sofa, you don’t need to buy a lot of chairs; a couple of stools are enough.
  • U-shaped modifications for the kitchen are rare, but are already gaining popularity. They are equipped with dining tables to suit the format. When installing such furniture, a dining area is immediately formed, independent of the rest of the furnishings. The original configuration model will fit into rectangular and square kitchens.

Bright accents on planes of calm colors will attract additional attention.
Sofas are also divided into two groups:

  • stationary, in which the seat or armrest only reclines;
  • folding, used as a sleeping place.

Transformers are great for a 10 m2 kitchen; they come in different designs:

  • Modular ones consist of various elements installed in any sequence. They produce straight and angular options.
  • The Dolphin model turns into a bed, just pull the straps. The soft block is hidden under the seat.
  • The compact French “clamshell” consists of three soft blocks stacked on top of each other.
  • The “book” easily unfolds to create a full-fledged sleeping place for two people. When folded, it forms an angular profile at the end.
  • Fancy C-shaped options will add individuality to the interior.

To maintain the style direction, the furniture must be in harmony with each other in texture and design, but may differ in shades.
The sofa is the central detail of the interior; the perception of the kitchen depends on it. Upholstered furniture comes with a rectangular and shaped back, and can have different seat depths for standard and small tea tables. Practical options without soft upholstery are installed along the walls and complemented with pillows or soft cushions.

A kitchen volume of 10 square meters will allow you not only to conveniently place household items and appliances in it, but also to equip a soft corner for daily lunches and dinners.

For reference. Traditional “corners” of the last century have long been out of trend; they are measured by multifunctional transformers.

Choosing a sofa

Sofas are chosen according to the number of seats and useful additions. It is convenient to store in the boxes:

  • kitchen electrical equipment, it will not clutter up the cabinet shelves;
  • bedding if the transformer is often used as a sleeping place;
  • kitchen textiles, rarely used utensils.

With spacious storage systems in the sofa in a small kitchen, a small set is enough.

You should not choose full-size sofas intended for living rooms for a 10-meter kitchen.

Modern sofa models are equipped with shelves and complemented with wide armrests with pads, on which you can calmly have breakfast while sitting. There are options with folding tabletops; they are located in the armrests or the corner part of the backrest. When choosing a sofa, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the upholstery; color is not the main thing. The best option is genuine leather or easy-to-clean vinyl. The best textile for the kitchen is microfiber with water-repellent impregnation.

When cooking, soot and fatty particles accumulate on furniture, and there is increased humidity. You should choose upholstery fabric that is resistant to frequent cleaning with detergents.

There is a wide range of compact sofas on sale to suit every taste.

Note! To prevent dirt from accumulating under the sofa, it is advisable to choose upholstered kitchen furniture on legs with a frame made of solid wood or MDF.

Where can I put a sofa

Any arrangement of furniture is possible depending on the functionality of the room:

  • in the corner there is a corner option, which goes well with a round table, or a straight sofa (the optimal distance from the table to the seat is 30 - 35 cm);
  • along the wall you can place a compact model and stylish upholstered corner furniture, in this case the corner element performs the function of zoning;
  • along the window, for such an arrangement you need a narrow sofa with a low back and soft pillows;
  • next to a regular table or cabinet table, which is moved to the end, installed in the center if necessary.

With a thoughtful design, a sofa will look quite appropriate in a small 10-meter kitchen.

Kitchen zoning methods

Even for a small kitchen, space zoning rules apply. This allows you to make the room more comfortable and functional. Let us recall some of them:

  • Functional areas can be separated from each other using multi-level lighting. There are three types of light sources chosen for the kitchen: main, accent and decorative. The first is located in the center of the room, taking into account the distance from the kitchen unit. In the dining area you can use wall and table lamps. The second is above the working and dining surface. The third is for decorating furniture, niches, ceilings, openings.
  • By finishing the walls and floor, you can highlight one area (dining) and divert attention from another – the working one. The contrast of textures gives the same effect. A bright or dark set will allow you to draw attention to the work area.

Method of zoning space Source

  • Multi-level space is an effective way to emphasize attention. We are talking about podium structures and multi-level ceilings. A dining group is usually placed on a raised platform, and with the help of a ceiling that repeats the silhouette of the structure, attention is focused on the composition by the window.
  • One obvious way to divide a space is to install a partition. It can be glass - then visually the area of ​​the room will not decrease. A stationary plasterboard partition can be made in the form of a niche, cabinet or end-to-end rack on which dishes can be stored.
  • The bar counter is a functional element in the kitchen, effectively dividing the room into two parts. A decorative beam on the ceiling gives the same effect.

Kitchen-living room in an apartment Source

Kitchen with green elements Source

Color combination in the kitchen connected to the balcony Source

Soft corner in a cozy kitchen Source

Enlarged kitchen combined with living room Source

Successful zoning of space Source

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