What materials are best suited for finishing a bathroom in a country house?

More recently, a bathroom in a wooden house was a rarity. This is due to the high humidity in such rooms. The results of any repairs in wooden buildings in the presence of such conditions very quickly fade away. Today this problem is solved by choosing appropriate building materials. It is important to know how to arrange a bathroom, what materials will be needed, how to install water and install a sewer system.

Features of the bathroom in the country

  1. The lack of a centralized water supply makes it necessary to supply water from a well, well or natural source using a pump and pipeline.
  2. In the absence of a centralized sewerage system, it is necessary to design a water drainage system, as well as a septic tank or collector for its purification.
  3. Finishing a bathroom in the country requires independent solutions to ensure waterproofing.
  4. As a rule, in country houses it is necessary to think through the ventilation system. A DIY dacha bathroom requires an effective ventilation system.

Before installing a bathroom, you need to waterproof the room

The most important thing for a well is its depth and water quality


Let's consider the construction of a classic version with a cesspool.

The approximate dimensions of the pit are 1.5x1.5x2 meters. The walls are reinforced with bricks, concrete rings or antiseptic-treated boards. The cesspool of the backlash closet must be sealed, for which purpose the bottom is screeded or filled with crushed stone.

The concrete floor is poured on top. It must be strong enough to support the weight of whatever is placed on it. Leave openings for the toilet, ventilation and pumping out the contents - the last point can be omitted if the prospect of building a new toilet from time to time does not scare you.

You can build a house yourself, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made option.

Having decided to make it yourself, start by building a drawing of the toilet or use ready-made ones. Study photos of garden toilets to better understand how to proceed.

The most common are wooden structures, but nothing prevents you from making a reliable house made of brick. Please note that in this case it is necessary to take care of a reliable foundation around the pit. Typically, tape or columnar is used. A layer of waterproofing - roofing felt - is laid between the foundation and the ground.

Under a wooden frame, bricks laid around the perimeter are enough. The structure will be additionally strengthened by support pillars made of timber and logs.

Cover the walls with clapboard, slate or metal profiles. Additionally, they can be insulated with cotton wool or polystyrene foam.

You can't do without ventilation. A pipe with a diameter of 10 cm should extend 15-20 cm into the cesspool and rise above the roof by about the same amount.

A small window under the roof will be a natural source of light. Optionally, wall lights connected to a battery can be installed.

The roof is covered with corrugated sheets or metal tiles, and it also has a hole for a ventilation pipe.

The door is hung on hinges and equipped with a latch, hook or other mechanism.

The construction of a powder closet has a nuance: in the back of the house it is necessary to provide a door through which you can remove the container with sewage.

We hope our instructions helped you figure out how to build a toilet with your own hands.

Rules for proper waterproofing

If you're installing a regular rectangular bathtub, chances are it will be positioned against the walls. Since the bathtub in the country house contains large volumes of water, it can flow over the edge. If water runs down the sides and under the bathtub and then collects on the floor, it can lead to flooding, as well as rot and mold.

Another reason to seal your bathtub is to clean it up quickly. The most suitable way for this is to smooth the joints.

Silicone sealant will protect your bathtub from leaks, make its joints smooth and prevent the formation of mold.

To seal a bathroom with silicone sealant, you will need the following equipment:

  • protective gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • insulating tape;
  • safety knife;
  • mounting gun;
  • silicone caulk, which can be purchased at most hardware stores;
  • applicator.

For waterproofing work, the correct sequence of actions is important:

  1. Apply masking tape to the edge of the tub, marking where you plan to apply the silicone. Work from the back corner of the bath, furthest from the door, and keep the tape at least 3mm away from the wall. This will ensure accurate waterproofing.
  2. Wearing protective gear, cut the silicone with a knife. Then place it in the caulking gun.
  3. Get as close to the edge of the tub as possible and then apply the silicone by squeezing the trigger of the caulk gun. Using a smooth motion, start from the farthest corner - just like you did with the tape.
  4. Using an applicator, a handy tool, or even a damp fingertip, smooth the surface of the sealant.

Important: It is recommended to fill the tub when applying caulk, as the weight of the water will ensure that the caulk does not crack when the tub is used later.

You can insulate the walls and ceilings in a bathroom in a country house using waterproof materials, if you follow all the rules for their installation.

It is worth determining the humidity zones in the bathroom before starting waterproofing work

Useful tips

Regardless of the chosen type and type of latrine, there are a number of useful tips that will greatly facilitate the process of arranging and further using the latrine and will help you create the best toilet in the country:

  1. Regardless of the location of the toilet - outdoor or indoor, it is necessary to carefully consider ventilation at the construction stage. This will get rid of the unpleasant odor that tends to linger and accumulate in the toilet room.
  2. When choosing material for pipes, it is better to give preference to polypropylene. It is known for its durability, its ability to withstand high temperatures that can occur due to heating.
  3. When using drugs that decompose waste in dry closets, you must act according to the instructions for the selected product. You should not save on cheap analogues and unknown manufacturers; it is better to choose proven products to avoid unexpected results.
  4. Installing a toilet cesspool in a dacha is possible without calling a sewer truck. When the tank is filled to three-quarters of its full volume, it is filled up and the cesspool with the toilet is moved to another place.
  5. When assessing the budget for a toilet for a summer residence, it is necessary to take into account the costs of further operation: payment for sewerage services, purchase of chemical and biological materials.

Arrangement of ventilation and lighting

The simplest way to naturally ventilate a bathroom is a window facing the street or at least a gap between the door and the floor. If forced ventilation is necessary, then a household ventilation device with a capacity of up to 100 cubic meters of air per hour is sufficient. It is advisable to remove the air using a ventilation duct specially made in the wall that is not subject to clogging.

If your cottage bathtub is not too large, it is easy to divide the bathroom into zones that require certain types of light:

  1. In the bath, shower or floor, lamps must have a maximum voltage of 12 V and have a protection rating of at least IP67 - this is complete protection against immersion in water.
  2. Above a bathtub or shower at a height of 2.25 meters above floor level, a residual current device (RCD) must be used to protect the circuit if the voltage is 240 V.
  3. Above the sink, around the bathtub or shower, at a distance of 60 cm on each side and at a height of 2.25 m from the floor, a protection rating of at least IP44 is required.
  4. In other places, IP protection class is not required.

A source of daylight always adds coziness

Toilets made from different types of wood

It often happens that the toilet is created immediately after the house, which means it is built from what is left. Of course, this option is far from ideal, but it is quite affordable and has a right to exist.

If the toilet is being built later, then it’s worth thoroughly choosing the material for it. It is worth noting that a wooden toilet is also purchased as a complete set, but its cost will be much more significant.

Country bathroom design

To update a bathroom or create a memorable design from scratch, you often don't need to do anything drastic or expensive. It is enough to focus on points such as:

  • replacing a sink or bathtub faucet;
  • changing the toilet seat;
  • lighting;
  • updating the bathroom mirror.

Photos of a bathroom “before and after” of a budget renovation.
Let’s consider these points in more detail:

  1. One of the best ways to instantly transform your bathroom is to replace your faucet. Such a simple change can transform the style of your bathroom. Traditional faucets have different shapes and colors, which allows each buyer to choose the optimal model for their interior. If you want something even more impressive, there are bathroom faucets with a waterfall and even backlighting.
  2. Changing your toilet seat is an even easier way to upgrade. There is an opportunity to move away from the usual white color, which often makes the seat look dirty and scratched. Wooden toilet seats can add character to a room's design. Colored plastic products can also decorate a bathroom. An alternative is to use a soft close toilet seat. This is the best option for those who hate the characteristic knocking in the morning.
  3. Bathroom ceiling lights come in different shapes and sizes. Which one to choose depends on taste, imagination and the need to comply with safety measures. The same goes for lamps on the walls and even on the floor.
  4. A beautifully designed mirror of an original shape with unusual lighting can also decorate a room.

Tiling the bathtub

This finishing method is a tribute to tradition. And although its implementation is quite labor-intensive, ceramic tiles will naturally fit into the interior of the bathroom. At the moment, the color scheme in one or two colors is popular. If you settled on a monochromatic option, then you can add variety by adding textured elements. In a two-tone design, the classic combination is a dark bottom and a light top. The tiles are very easy to clean. Giving preference to ceramic cladding results in a double benefit: both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

Stylistic decisions

If a country house does not resemble a palace with an underground garage and an executive car, a luxurious Victorian style with decorated furniture and polygonal mosaic tiles for the bathroom is unlikely to be suitable.

An industrial style with an abundance of polished, chrome-plated, bronze or brass metal products is also inappropriate for a simple wooden house.

Compact bathroom with all amenities

But the country style, where the emphasis is on natural finishing materials, floral design themes, wooden furniture and accessories stylized as ancient rural life, is often a universal solution for a country bathroom.


In the photo we see a bath without a shower.

Now let's look at the options for organizing bathrooms that are most often used by modern summer residents.

  1. Summer shower. The simplest and cheapest option, which is a small room on the site, equipped with a shower tray and shower. Instead of a pallet, plastic bathtubs are often installed for dachas;
  2. A separate bathhouse or sauna in the country. This is the most expensive option, as it requires the construction of a new building, the purchase or construction of furnace equipment, the price of which is very significant, and the organization of water supply and drainage;
  3. Bathroom inside the house. The most comfortable and affordable option.

The tank located on top provides water pressure and its heating from solar radiation.

Important! For the normal functioning of autonomous water supply systems, electricity is required. If you do not have a centralized network, renting a diesel generator for your dacha will help you.

Materials for finishing a bathroom in the country

The requirements for materials used to decorate a country bathroom are as follows:

  • tightness in places of direct contact with water;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to high temperatures and temperature changes.

Obviously, the wood traditional for country houses can only be used after treatment to make it resistant to moisture. Ceramic materials (such as tiles), as well as natural and artificial stone, are well suited for these purposes.

Creation of a water supply system

Considering that the house is built from wooden beams, special importance should be given to the method of draining water from the bathroom. This is due to the strong shrinkage of the log house. The installation and water supply pipe systems must take into account this feature of wooden buildings. For such purposes, metal-plastic pipes are often used. This is due to their resistance to deformation. The installed pipeline must be secured with clips or clamps.

We should not forget about protecting pipelines from low temperatures. To do this, it is necessary to use thermal insulation materials. They cover not only the pipes, but also the base of the floor in the bathroom.

Wooden surfaces do not cope well with moisture. This fact is undeniable. To protect the wooden floor in the bathroom, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a drain valve in advance. It will not allow excess moisture to linger in the room.

The optimal system for draining water in a wooden room is a drain with a dry seal. This part is a plastic float that blocks the drain hole after the water has drained. When equipping a bathroom in a wooden house, this device is optimal. It can not only prevent the accumulation of water, but also prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors into the room from the sewer. This system should be installed in every bathtub.

Attention! When installing such a drain, the floor must be laid at a slope in its direction.

Furniture and plumbing for the bathroom

A feature of plumbing and connecting a washing machine at a summer cottage is the variety of connections when connecting devices for draining and supplying water. Therefore, when installing plumbing in a country house, it is necessary to use adapters, pipes, additional hoses and other non-standard connections.

It is better to take new furniture for furnishing a country bathroom, although it is not free. Furnishing a room with trash thrown out of the apartment is far from the best solution. Wicker or plank furniture is good for country style.

When designing a large traditional bathroom, it is important to include ample storage space. A trick you can use is to hide cabinets behind mirrors.

Pipe selection

In work that involves installing communications into suburban buildings, the most difficult thing is to make holes in the floor or walls. Other procedures, such as cutting and joining pipes, are quite simple. In addition, you will need to connect the pipeline to the collector, install pumping equipment and filtration systems. This explains why even a beginner can build a water supply system with his own hands.

First you need to figure out what materials are best to buy pipes from:

  • Copper pipes have the highest price. They are resistant to rust and ultraviolet radiation. In addition, microorganisms cannot encroach on copper pipes, and such products are not afraid of high pressure. There are no significant changes in such products in the event of temperature changes. In addition, copper pipes are capable of excellent heat transfer. The only disadvantage of copper products is their high price.

  • Metal-plastic pipes. These products are aluminum pipes that are protected outside and inside with polyethylene. Thanks to its smooth surface, deposits do not accumulate in the pipes and rust does not form. The outer layer of the pipes reliably protects them from condensation and ultraviolet rays. Such pipes also have several disadvantages - they are sensitive to high temperatures and can become deformed when heated to 95 degrees. In addition, metal-plastic pipes are sensitive to freezing of the coolant.

  • Steel pipes. This version of the product is old and proven. Such products serve for a long time and are not afraid of mechanical stress. However, they are not affected by rust. In addition, pipes must be threaded for installation. They can be soldered, but this process is quite labor-intensive.

  • Polypropylene pipes. Today they are most popular when installing a water supply system in a country house. This is due to their high performance characteristics. In addition, they are not subject to oxidation and are durable. They are easy to install and connections do not need to be checked, making it easy to hide pipes under the finishing surface. However, to connect the elements you must have an electric welding machine.
    Important! If polypropylene products are chosen as the material, you should pay attention to the need to use reinforced pipes when carrying hot water.

The price of installing a plumbing system depends not only on the number of pipes, but also on the material they are made of. Therefore, when purchasing, you should focus on the price/quality ratio.

Choosing the optimal pipe diameter is as important as selecting the material. This is due to the characteristics of the passage of water in the water supply system. For example, if the pipes have a too small diameter, flow turbulence may occur. In this case, the water will move through the pipes with noise, and lime deposits will accumulate inside them.

The diameter of the pipes depends on the total length of the pipeline:

  • If the pipeline will have a total length of less than 30 m, it is better to choose a diameter of 25 mm.
  • If the length of the water pipe exceeds 30 m, you should purchase pipes with a diameter of 32 mm.
  • In the case of short pipelines less than 10 m long, it is worth choosing products with a diameter of 20 mm.

To properly arrange a water supply system in a wooden country house, you should select the optimal diameter of the collector pipe. This is necessary so that it provides ample opportunities for the use of water by several consumers. There are several standard calculations by which the diameter of pipes is determined:

  • With a pipe diameter of 25 mm, the product can flow about 30 l/min.
  • In the case of a diameter of 32 mm, the pipe can flow 50 l/min.
  • If the pipe diameter is 38 mm, 75 l/min will pass through it.

When a large family lives in a house and there are many water intake points in the house, situations often occur when they are used simultaneously. If you add up the volumes of water consumed by several appliances, you can get a pretty impressive number.

When the water supply is installed for a small family, and there are quite a lot of water consumers in the house, the calculation is performed according to a different rule. It is necessary to calculate how much water is consumed at several water intake points and reduce this figure by 25-40%. This figure will be an approximate family expense.

How to use an old bathtub in a summer cottage after renovation

A big problem for a summer resident may be the need to take or hide the old bathtub somewhere after renovation. In fact, a bathtub in the garden is quite a suitable decor. What to make from an old bathtub in the country? It can be used as a reservoir for watering a garden or vegetable garden or under a flower bed. And by digging it into the ground, you can get an excellent outdoor pool. This is not a complete list of what can be done in the country with an old bathroom.

Options for flower beds from bathtubs in the garden with beautiful flowers Beautiful use of a bathtub in a summer cottage

Is there an alternative?

If all the finishing methods listed above do not inspire you, other suggestions are possible. The interior of a bathroom with liquid wallpaper or bark beetle plaster will be original and stylish. The right color scheme – and here it is, an excellent result. We should also not forget about the old and true traditional method of wallpapering. Modern technologies have created samples with an interesting texture that are not afraid of moisture. Such wallpaper can be painted. The finish will be distinguished by its beauty and practicality.

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Main stages

  1. Preparatory work.
  2. Design development (drawing up a project, calculations, selection of building materials).
  3. Providing the premises with communications (electricity, water, ventilation, sewerage).
  4. Protecting surfaces from penetration of moisture, microorganisms, temperature changes, the formation of mold stains and fungi.
  5. Finishing surfaces with previously selected materials.
  6. Arrangement of the bathroom inside, creation of comfort (connection of plumbing, furniture, installation of technical elements and designer accessories).
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