How to create the right lighting in a studio apartment

  • Types of lighting Natural
  • Artificial
  • Zoning with light
  • Lighting tips
  • A studio apartment is one of the best solutions for young married couples, students, and simply for those who like free space. The design of such a room involves one large room without any partitions. To make the space seem larger and brighter, and to fill your home with comfort and warmth, you need to carefully consider the lighting in your studio apartment.

    How to properly illuminate the hallway and corridor

    Good lighting plays an important role in the perception of a hallway.

    Hallway lighting should be uniform

    Designers recommend equipping the hallway with two types of lighting:

    • General.
    • Additional.

    Using different lights, adding shadows or highlighting specific areas will allow you to create individual room lighting. But at the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    The lighting in your hallway should be uniform. A rational solution would be to have economical LED lighting in the cornice under the ceiling.

    Using different backlights will create individual lighting

    This will not only distribute the light evenly throughout the room, but will also visually increase the height of the ceiling.

    Sconces are fixed only in pairs and on both sides of the mirror at the level of human height, if its presence is provided in the corridor.

    Some styles include sconces located near the front door.

    Methods for zoning a studio apartment

    • Making a difference in the floor or ceiling + some difference in finishing.
    • The use of screens, partitions, and other pieces of furniture and interior design, for example, a large aquarium, a sofa, or a bar counter are suitable.
    • Lighting. I would like to examine this method of zoning space in more detail.

    Photo from the site

    Photo from the site

    When planning studio lighting, you should not overload the apartment with an excessive number of lamps. In any case, it is definitely not recommended to place several massive chandeliers in one area, even in different functional areas.

    It would be reasonable to place one source of bright light in the center of the living room (in the form of a pendant lamp or chandelier), and in the kitchen area limit it to diffused light from the kitchen set or recessed lamps along the perimeter of the ceiling.

    Zonal lighting, that is, highlighting a specific zone in an apartment, can be provided by LED strips hidden in ceiling niches. Designers often install an additional floor lamp or a beautiful table lamp, which also acts as a decorative element.

    Photo from the site

    How to properly light the bedroom and recreation area

    It is recommended to place pendant lamps in the seating area and above the dining table. In the case when the bedroom needs to be illuminated with small compact lamps or floor lamps, creating a feeling of calm and homeliness.

    Photo examples:

    If there is a multifunctional area that characterizes a studio-type apartment, the use of different combined lighting is allowed.

    It must be remembered that it must be self-sufficient and in no case overload the apartment with lighting devices located in a chaotic manner.

    And, of course, there is nothing better than natural light, so it is not recommended to cover the windows with dark and heavy curtains. Use the principle of a French window, or blinds made from natural materials, giving your home the maximum amount of everything natural and natural.

    About light sources

    Natural sources include sun rays, starlight, aurora, and moonlight. Artificial resources include fire: fires, torches, candles, gas lanterns, and electric lamps. The latter are divided into several types:

    • incandescent lamps - contain a filament body, which produces the glow. A spiral of tungsten or carbon filament is placed in the design. A vacuum is then created in the flask. This helps prevent metal oxidation. At the moment the electrical circuit is closed, heating occurs, as a result of which the filament element begins to glow. The advantages of such lamps are that they withstand temperature changes well. They will work in a cold corridor or a hot bath without any problems. The disadvantage of such lamps is that they consume a lot of energy and produce a large amount of heat;
    • halogen - their difference from the previous ones is that the flask is filled with halogen vapor. They are used for the most powerful devices. Gas allows you to significantly increase the temperature of the coil and extend the service life. Like conventional incandescent lamps, halogen sources use a large amount of energy to heat up. Another disadvantage is dependence on power surges;

    • luminescent - flasks with a special coating applied on the inside. It emits light due to the constant combustion of vapors contained in the flask. Compared to conventional lamps, the service life of these devices is much longer. The obvious advantage is cost-effectiveness. Lamps consume 5-7 times less electricity than halogen lamps. The disadvantages include the difficulty of use - the need to use additional devices - a trigger mechanism, a starter. There are other disadvantages - flickering and sensitivity to low temperatures, air flows and environmental humidity;
    • energy-saving - a subtype of fluorescent lamps. To the listed qualities of sources of this type are added the spiral shape and the presence of a standard base. Thanks to this, the lamps can be used in ordinary chandeliers and lamps without any additional structures;
    • LED - revolutionary devices based on the use of LEDs. Unlike their predecessors, they do not heat up or flicker, and also withstand environmental influences and power surges well. The high cost of the devices is more than compensated by their long service life and unsurpassed low resource consumption.

    Ceiling lights can be used in the living room

    One of the simplest and best options is to install built-in lighting in the living room using spotlights. Consider the correct location of spotlights: the distance to walls, cabinets and windows should be at least 20 cm.

    It would be better if there were additional light sources. For example, a floor lamp by the armchair or a table lamp by the sofa. This way you can create a different atmosphere in the room, depending on your mood.

    • Lighting

      5 non-obvious tips to help plan the lighting in your apartment

    Rule 2: Buy a large mirror

    This is a must-have for a small room, especially with poor natural light. A large mirror placed opposite the window reflects both natural and artificial light from the central lamp, adding luxury to the room.

    Lux (lx) is a unit of measurement of surface illumination according to the International System of Units SI. 1 lux is equal to the illumination of a square meter of area with a luminous flux of 1 lumen. The comfortable level of illumination in a small room according to SanPiN is 150 lux. All light sources are taken into account here, including reflective surfaces. You can measure the level of illumination using a special device - a lux meter.

    The kitchen should have several lighting scenarios

    If you leave one lamp on the ceiling, it will create shadows and visually reduce the space. It is also better to provide several light sources in the kitchen interior. Firstly, general lighting (can be done using built-in spots). Secondly, illumination of the work area is not only convenience, but also safety, since in the kitchen we constantly work with knives. Thirdly, lighting for the dining group. The latter is up to you, but a light above the table creates a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. If you have a bar counter, you can hang several lighting fixtures on long cords above it. The main thing is to place them at equal distances from each other.

    • Lighting

      11 places in the apartment where you need to hang a lamp

    What you need to know about the premises

    A studio apartment is a room designed to accommodate no more than two people. At the same time, the division of an apartment organized according to the “studio” type does not imply clarity. Here he often uses various easy-to-implement methods for zoning a room into separate zones:

    • kitchen;
    • living room;
    • bedroom;
    • office, etc.

    This means that there are no internal partitions in the room. The apartment seems to consist of one multifunctional room.

    Organization of a studio apartment

    When designing this kind of premises, the main attention is paid to lighting, which is of great importance in creating the interior. Properly organized lighting makes it possible to divide all the space available in the studio into separate functional areas. It is zoning that underlies the entire layout here. Lighting is the simplest and most effective way to decorate the available space in an apartment.

    Note! An incorrect and irrational approach to lighting a studio space can result in simply a pile of furniture in one room, without a hint of practicality and convenience.

    In order for the lighting organized in such a studio to meet established standards and give the room comfort, it is necessary to be guided by several criteria:

    • room dimensions. If the apartment is small, then the approach to lighting it will be different from large spaces;
    • placement of functional areas;
    • with the help of which groups of lighting devices will visual zoning be organized;
    • exactly how (what techniques will be used) the visual division into zones will be carried out;
    • required lighting standards;

    Note! You can use online calculators to calculate the required lighting level for each specific room.

    lighting levels that can be created in an existing apartment.

    By correctly assessing these points, your living space will become as comfortable and convenient as possible.

    Halogen lamps

    Halogen lamps create interesting and beautiful shadowless lighting.

    With a uniform distribution of devices, a radiating plane is formed. In small rooms, devices are used for general lighting.

    The most common mistake you can't make is using one type of lighting to achieve all your goals.

    The result is a boring and non-functional interior. If you combine the types of lighting correctly, you can create a stylish and effective design with your own hands. It will help hide flaws and highlight the advantages of the room. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material on the topic Wallpaper for a studio apartment, how to choose the right one?

    To help you, we suggest watching the video in this article with various room ideas.

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    Backlight options

    Today, in any residential premises, according to SNiP standards, two types of lighting should be organized:

    • natural. This lighting in the studio is created using wide window openings. Typically, they try to place windows in such an apartment in the center, thereby giving sunlight as much space as possible. To make the interior lighter, you should use light and light curtains for window decoration, avoiding dark and heavy fabric options;

    Note! It is best to use so-called French windows. Such windows will let in many times more sunlight than conventional window openings. Although, of course, it is not always possible to install such windows.

    Natural light in a studio apartment

    • artificial. This type of lighting provision is integral in our lives. But if you approach the issue incorrectly, the lighting can ruin everything. And in our case this is indeed a real problem.

    Artificial lighting in a studio apartment

    For a studio apartment, it is worth remembering that artificial lighting must be organized on several levels at once in order to fully illuminate the room and visually divide it into zones. That is, it is worth organizing the following backlight levels:

    • general lighting. It is organized using ceiling lamps, which can be mounted both in the center of the room and along the perimeter. Looks great in suspended ceiling structures of plasterboard or tension type;

    General lighting for studio apartment

    • zonal. In this situation, lighting fixtures are placed in a group to illuminate a specific area of ​​the room: kitchen, bedroom, etc. At the same time, to enhance the visual light separation, you can use different types of lamps, as well as light sources.

    Zonal lighting for a studio apartment

    As you can see, the difficulties in our situation relate mainly to artificial lighting. It is the wrong approach to the selection of lamps and their placement that can negatively affect the appearance of the entire living space.

    Tips for choosing

    Before choosing chandeliers for the interior of a room, you need to consider simple but important tips:

    • the smaller the room, the simpler the lighting should be;
    • it is necessary to take into account the areas of the room and their functionality (will there be a place for reading, a work desk, a dining room);
    • what additional lighting methods will be used (floor lamp, sconces, spotlights), how they will be combined with the main light source;
    • the style and color palette of the interior should echo the design of the lamp.

    The photo shows a classic chandelier that looks extravagant and goes well with a mirrored wall and a white high ceiling.

    As a rule, a chandelier is mounted in the center of the room, but if there are 2 zones in one room, then you need to use two sources of central lighting, if necessary. Or use a chandelier in one zone, and add sconces and spotlights to the other (this decision depends on the purpose of the zones and the required light intensity).

    Options for suitable lighting fixtures

    At the moment, the range of lighting products is quite extensive and everyone will find the most optimal option for themselves. Moreover, selecting lighting equipment for a studio apartment is both complex and exciting.

    Selecting lamps for such rooms should be based on several parameters:

    • dimensions. If the studio is small, then it is better to use small lamps, which should be placed on the border of the zones or along the perimeter;
    • purpose of lighting devices. For what purpose will you install the lamp: for general lighting or decorative lighting, etc. It is worth choosing a model based on technical characteristics based on the purpose of the lamp;

    Various lamps in a studio apartment

    • sources of light. Today, the most popular are economical light bulbs that consume a minimum of electricity;
    • appearance of the lamp. The choice of lighting fixtures should be based on the style and design that is already available.

    The following lighting fixtures fit these parameters:

    • chandelier. Suitable for general lighting levels. At the same time, it can be beautifully complemented by various types of lighting fixtures built into the ceiling;
    • Spotlights. They look most impressive on stretch and plasterboard ceilings, as well as in combination with chandeliers;

    Note! Spotlights can simultaneously play the role of a general type of lighting and visually divide the space into functional zones.

    Spotlights in a studio apartment

    • LED cords. Such tapes can create hidden or open lighting. With their help, you can organize a soft light supply in special hidden cornices, as well as in the kitchen under wall-mounted kitchen units or floor cabinets.

    LED lighting for studio apartment

    In addition, you can use various wall sconces, floor lamps and table lamps to zone the room. They will act not only as a lighting system, but also as a beautiful decorative element of the surroundings.

    Note! When creating a lighting system for a studio apartment, you should stick to the golden mean. Due to the small dimensions of such rooms, you should not overload them with a large number of lamps. This will lead to unnecessary overloading of the interior. Everything here should be correctly placed to create the feeling that everything is in its place.

    Chandelier to match the interior style


    Options in the classics are most represented on the lighting market and have many decor options. Classics are characterized by smooth lines, versatility, glass and crystal, often imitating candelabra and candle holders in their forms, recalling their origins. They are appropriate in any style and do not go out of fashion, so they are a win-win choice and a good investment.

    In the photo, a pendant chandelier and sconces in a classic style form a single composition in a luxurious beige living room. Gold color, glass, corduroy, stucco and gloss are appropriate only in spacious rooms.

    Modern style

    Chandeliers in modern interiors tend towards minimalism and practicality. A simple ornament or geometry, without suspension, in neutral colors creates a laconic image of the room.

    High tech

    High-tech interiors are characterized by chrome surfaces, simple geometry and minimalism. Shiny surfaces of steel, nickel, cubism and clarity are suitable for lighting in the kitchen and hallway.


    Modern lamps in the interior are made of different materials and their weaves. This could be a traditional classic chandelier placed in a cube made of wire, or an ordinary lamp in a ball made of threads or wicker.

    In the photo, the chandelier with white shades is a classic choice, goes with all shades and will suit any interior.

    Loft chandeliers in the interior can look very diverse, because this is a style free to express imagination. Most often this is a geometric design with lamps inside, ordinary rectangular shades, simple lamps on wires.


    A Provence chandelier in the interior can combine the base of a classic lamp with a frame without lush decor and glass accessories. Wooden and metal elements and a worn effect will bring the interior closer to the desired style solution.

    The photo shows a classic chandelier with white shades and a brass base, a suitable option for decorating a living room in the Provence style.

    Backlight nuances

    To simplify your task regarding the competent lighting design of studio apartments, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    • lamps and interior should be made in similar styles. Moreover, each zone, to enhance the visual division of the room, can be decorated in its own style. But they must be in harmony with each other, creating the overall idea of ​​the apartment;

    Studio apartment interior

    • in the bedroom area you should place only a couple of dim lamps;
    • lighting fixtures can illuminate both the center of each zone and its perimeter. Both options provide a sufficient level of light and visual division of space;
    • lighting can be organized at a wide variety of levels, from general to task or decorative lighting.

    Particular attention should be paid to small studios. By approaching this issue wisely, you can achieve a visual expansion of the space, which will have a positive impact on the perception of the apartment.

    Lighting design

    Particular attention must be paid to creating light in a small room. Proper lighting visually expands the space.

    Photo with interesting and correct lighting of the apartment

    Note. If the lighting is poor, the room looks dull and dull, precious space is lost, colors are distorted (sky blue turns into dirty gray).

    It is recommended to use devices that will be located at different height levels:

    • Pendant lighting fixtures are most often used above the dining area.
    • Lamps located high under the ceiling are best used in the corridor or hallway.

    Lighting for a studio apartment is based on the principle of promoting zoning. The combination of natural light and general light ensures the effectiveness of other methods of zoning a room.

    The rather complex concept of “lighting design” unites three interrelated disciplines:

    • The overall design forms a physiologically based background where everything else is placed.

    Lighting architecture emphasizes the basic concept of the room.

    • It also reflects the views of its inhabitants; certain styles (modern, high-tech) are not realized without suitable lighting (the interior loses all expressiveness).
    • The lighting design reflects the owner's personality and is flexible (easy to replace or move).

    This division arose naturally. A serious lighting project contains all three elements. Elements of lighting architecture with interior lighting design are consecrated to reflect the solution to the general lighting problem.

    Rule 5: Make the walls and ceilings light

    Dark wallpaper in small apartments is a fiasco in terms of lighting. We know from school that dark colors absorb light. Therefore, if you do not have the goal of turning your small room into a dark den, choose light colors for the walls and ceiling. If you want to achieve maximum light reflection, use glossy wallpaper or paint.

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