Kitchen in Khrushchev 2-2.5 meters long - layout recommendations

Small spaces can sometimes accommodate much more stuff than we can imagine. A skillfully organized space makes use of every centimeter. Modern storage systems are easy to install, durable and easy to use. Small kitchens 2 by 2 meters, photos of which are presented below, demonstrate advanced engineering developments and the latest in design art.

A set of kitchen furniture with accessories for a small kitchen

Corner kitchen set for a small room

To rationally equip a small room, it is better to approach this issue comprehensively. The main tools will be maximum lighting, rational size and versatility.

Functional use of space in a small kitchen

What to pay attention to:

A small kitchen implies unity in design. Excessive bright spots, dark colors, many open shelves, colorful decoration, heavy curtains can upset the balance and make the kitchen look smaller.

Corner set with sink by the window in the kitchen of 4 sq.m.

Layout options for a small kitchen 2 meters long

, either corner or straight kitchens are usually installed Let's consider the option when the furniture is located in a single line along the wall.

Such kitchen projects in Khrushchev are called direct, or linear, kitchens.

To optimize space, individual kitchen modules should be combined with a countertop and equipped with built-in appliances. It is not only convenient, but also beautiful.

2-2.5 meters is very small for a full-fledged workplace of the housewife, so it is important to take into account every little detail and create a comfortable, cozy corner in a small space.

To do this, we will discuss where to put the refrigerator, this bulky but necessary unit.

If you have not yet decided which refrigerator to buy - built-in or free-standing, read our article.

Do you want to know if a regular refrigerator can also be built into a closet? We have the answer!

Not only a refrigerator, but any appliance can be built-in. Read about the advantages of built-in technology here.

Refrigerator and furniture are in the same row

If we place the refrigerator along the working wall, near the window, we will get a straight kitchen 2 meters long, which consists of: a sink (50-60 cm), a hob (60 cm) and a refrigerator (60 cm).

Those. we actually get a kitchen that is only one and a half meters long! What about the cabinets? Alas: only between the stove and the refrigerator will it be possible to place only a bottle holder measuring 15-20 cm.


  • An excellent option for single and small-family owners of a small kitchen is a compact refrigerator built under the countertop. There won’t be more cabinets, but we’ll get a comfortable work area. This option, of course, is not suitable for family people.
  • Another option: replace the traditional four-burner stove or 60 cm hob with a 2-burner domino panel. After all, all 4 burners are rarely needed, and such a replacement will not cause inconvenience, and will free up space for the cutting table.
  • Instead of an oven, install a microwave with a convection function. And if, instead of a bulky hood, you purchase a miniature, built-in model, you will have additional space for kitchen utensils above the stove. It might look something like this:

In a Khrushchev kitchen 2 meters long, the dining table can be made folding and mounted on the wall.

Lay out and put away as needed. Buy chairs that are also foldable and hang them on the wall. A folding tabletop and folding chairs are what you need for a small kitchen.

Using the top of the wall in a small kitchen is a must. Above the table, hang the maximum possible number of wall cabinets made of light materials with glass doors.

This will not only provide additional storage space, but will also make the structure weightless and visually expand the walls.

The angular layout in Khrushchev differs from the straight one. For you - tips and ideas for creating a comfortable interior.

You can find ideas for creating a beautiful interior design for a small kitchen here.

Look in this article for 5 options for kitchen layouts in Khrushchev; our tips will be useful when drawing up your own project.

Options without installing a refrigerator

Many people prefer to move the refrigerator from a small kitchen to the hallway. Of course, it is not very convenient when food is stored in another room.

But under a two-meter countertop you can place a dishwasher or washing machine or use it for a full-fledged kitchen cabinet.

Features of the kitchen linear layout

A linear kitchen 3 meters straight, from the point of view of designers, is the most optimal for placement in any room. If kitchen units of 4 meters are installed, then it is recommended that the entire length exceeding the 3-meter limit be filled with niche cabinets to the floor - this will visually soften the excessive “elongation”.

Another feature is that you need to provide for the correct connection of communications, and plan the remaining parts of the headset according to their location.

Straight kitchens along the wall 2.3 - 2.5 meters

It would seem like such a small thing - 30 cm, but it turns out to be a completely different project.

Options for installing a refrigerator in one line

If you install furniture and a refrigerator (60 cm) in one line, then under the countertop you can place three modules with a total size of at least 1.7 m: a sink (60 cm), a stove or hob (60 cm) and a kitchen cabinet from 50 to 70 cm ( there may be two of them, for example, 35 cm each).

In a 2.5-meter-long Khrushchev building, the dining area is also more comfortable: you can afford a round dining table.

Round tables take up less space than rectangular ones, but at the same time create an atmosphere of comfort.

Options without installing a refrigerator

Without a refrigerator, four furniture modules will be placed along a 2.5 meter wall.

An additional cabinet can be equipped with drawers for kitchen items.

The working area can be further increased by installing a tabletop instead of a window sill.
In this case, the refrigerator can not be taken out into the hallway, but installed opposite the work wall.

This complies with ergonomic standards, since you will get a correctly positioned working triangle. A sink, a stove and a workspace for cutting food are all within walking distance.

True, the area for the dining table will be somewhat reduced.

Storage organization

The best solution for a linear set is to add a top row of cabinets. This technique will allow you to place everything you need even along a short wall. To make them less bulky, choose the color of the facades to match the wall covering.

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For storage in the bottom row of cabinets, try choosing drawers instead of shelves. It is more convenient to organize the placement of kitchen utensils in drawers; they allow you to use every free centimeter of space. Make the depth of the cabinet at least 60 cm. If there is still not enough storage space, arrange drawers in the base. You can store lids from pots and pans or bottles in them.

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  • Storage systems

    6 Kitchen Storage Spaces You Might Not Know About

With coziness and comfort

You can add comfort to the room with the help of additional furniture. Traditionally, stools are used for seating in the kitchen, but many designers organically incorporate larger, upholstered furniture.

A sofa for a direct kitchen can be simple or corner, leather or fabric, with low or high legs, with or without a back. The options and range of products are huge, even made to order.

The modern range of kitchen sofas offers simple designs for dining, more comfortable for relaxing and chatting over a cup of tea, and folding out for a full-fledged sleeping place. More possibilities are offered by the transformable table, which is removed after eating, freeing up space.

You can place the sofa near the window, on the wall opposite the stove or in the corners. When choosing, you should focus on the style and area of ​​the room, personal taste, and the shape of the furniture.

A straight kitchen gives you a lot of choice in organizing space and is convenient and practical.

Lighting Features

The arrangement of the kitchen set requires the correct location of light sources. That is, it is imperative to supplement the main source of lighting with spotlights. There are quite a lot of options - diode strips, additional spotlights and other varieties.

Lighting is necessary along the entire length - it is placed evenly, providing illumination of the room, the entire work area and the tabletop.

Design projects of direct kitchens

What the final design of the direct kitchen project will be depends on the following factors:

  • Financial question. It’s no secret that a linear layout of kitchen furniture is cheaper than a corner layout. Which is logical - there are fewer cabinets and cabinets, therefore, the consumption of materials is low. If a direct kitchen project is chosen for financial reasons, then the customer will continue to adhere to economy in the selection of materials for the manufacture of facades, countertops, and the installation of functional and decorative fittings. Consequently, the design will be extremely concise and simple.
  • Space concept . Customers are fans of minimalism, they want to unload the space as much as possible, and use all kitchen modules as rationally as possible. In this case, the design project will look modern and stylish. Light shades are more likely to be chosen for facades with a glossy surface. Inside, the cabinets will be equipped with innovative storage systems, allowing you to use every free corner.
  • There is little cooking in the kitchen . Everyone's priorities are different. Some people love home-cooked food and selflessly spend their free time in the kitchen, pampering their family and friends with delicious pastries and gourmet dishes. Some people prefer to take a simpler approach to food by introducing minimally processed foods into their diet. And some, due to the high pace of life, cannot find time to cook at all, eating in cafes and restaurants or ordering food home. In the last two cases, the set of kitchen furniture required for a comfortable life will be minimal.
  • The kitchen is combined with the living room. Studio-plan apartments and country houses have their own laws and principles for designing furniture. First of all, the design of the kitchen should correspond to the overall interior, echoing other pieces of furniture in the space combined with the living room. Also, all kitchen modules are made as closed as possible to avoid the feeling of redundancy in details and clutter. Only shelves and niches for fairly large decorative accessories and objects can be open.

Complete symmetry

Do you want to surprise your guests? Install a completely symmetrical kitchen set.

Start from the center - place the sink there, the only non-duplicating design element.

The section for the built-in refrigerator will need to be duplicated with a similarly designed tall cabinet, and the stove will need to be duplicated with a similar washing machine or dishwasher.

There is no need to worry about the limited colors of appliance facades, since in the 21st century stores sell bright and original models. As a last resort, you can order their decoration separately.

The reception looks impressive, especially if you choose bright colors: red, blue, green. It looks good in both small and large kitchens.

If you want to achieve a more stunning effect, hang a large mirror on the wall opposite - the kitchen will be reflected in it and will appear twice as large.

Add an island!

If you want to organize additional cabinets and cabinets for storing dishes and various small items, try installing a kitchen island - a convenient design in the center of the kitchen.

Sizes can vary - from three square meters for small rooms to huge tables for spacious kitchens.

By placing such an island, you will be able to achieve two goals at once: unload the kitchen set and adjust the perception of the room - due to its distance from the wall, it visually adds volume.

A nice bonus: the kitchen island can easily be converted into a dining table. Just make sure that its lid protrudes ten to fifteen centimeters above the cabinets, otherwise it will be problematic to sit comfortably.

The island and the straight kitchen set, made in identical colors, look good. But it is better to avoid contrasting solutions: they can introduce dissonance into the interior.

Speaking of mirrors...

Straight kitchen sets, the facade of which is decorated with glossy materials or mirror surfaces, look very interesting.

They not only look unusual: such a kitchen adds space, visually expanding the room.

However, there is a nuance that needs to be taken into account. Make sure that the mirror is durable - if you believe it, if you break it, you will get seven years of troubles. Of course, this is just superstition - but the need to replace the headset soon after installation can hardly be considered a pleasant thing...

Who is a linear kitchen suitable for?

A straight kitchen of 4 meters or any other can fit perfectly into a suitable room. The most suitable options:

  • the room is too elongated and narrow;
  • the layout of the room is implemented with sharp corners;
  • in a narrow room there is access to a loggia or balcony;
  • the kitchen area is shaped like a trapezoid;
  • There is a niche that is ideal for arranging a linear set.

On a note!

The optimal length for a headset without corners is considered to be 2-4 meters.

Color solution

Everyone knows that there are no friends according to taste and color and, in principle, straight cuisine can be of absolutely any color scheme. However, you should take into account some advice from designers regarding the choice of colors.


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  • Kitchen 12 sq. m.: TOP-180 best designs, photo ideas for planning and space zoning. Choosing a style, arranging furniture in the kitchen

  • Kitchen-dining room - 100 photos of options for arranging a kitchen-dining room. Zoning and interior design ideas

Light colors can visually increase the area of ​​a room, making it fresher, more spacious, and more comfortable. If your kitchen is small in size, then a light set is what you need.

A kitchen apron or fronts with small prints will also be appropriate in small kitchens, which cannot be said about large colors, patterns, and ornaments. Dark colors are optimal for spacious and bright rooms.

Ideal and universal shades for the kitchen are neutral, pastel colors - beige, cream, light green, blue, pink. The straight white kitchen looks very fresh, light and spacious.

Small equipment

Have you seen household appliances in a small kitchen? A toaster is in the closet, a blender is in a box, a microwave is on the dining table, etc. And all this is inconvenient to use, and all this interferes with cooking, but does not help in any way. And this issue is solved with the help of a simple wall “organizer”, a set of convenient shelves. For example, install a microwave oven on a low shelf (at a distance of 80 cm - 1 m from the floor). Next, make compact cells for the rest of the equipment, so that it is convenient to take it, open doors, press buttons, etc. Such an organizer can even be made in the dining area on one of the walls. With good fastening of the shelves and high-quality execution, you will get a multifunctional wall that will allow you to use the equipment for joy, and not take it out on major holidays.

It makes no sense to place all the appliances on the worktop; most housewives have an overwhelming number of them, and then the table simply becomes cluttered, which not only interferes with work, but also visually makes the room smaller. By the way, this type of organization can be used not only in a tiny kitchen, for a room 3 by 3 meters, it is also a good solution.

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